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It's been a month since you last saw Jungkook and honestly, he hasn't reached out either. You can't say you weren't disappointed because you were.

You believed what he said about gaining your trust again and trying to win you back. That man that cheated on you wasn't the man you fell for, the one that made your days less lonely. You love him and always will, but you just feel like giving up on him at this point.

You finally moved into your own apartment 2 floors up from Jimin's who has -in that time- asked Hobi to move in with him. You admire their relationship, they own a business together and they don't feel the stress of it.

You are more than aware that Jungkook is Hobi's best friend so you can't help but wonder why you have seen him. They are always at your place or vice versa, but you try to brush it off.

As you get ready for work you get a phone call from one of your employees telling you that they won't make it to work. Luckily you get to cover for them seeing as you can't find someone to fill their spot. You groan grabbing your car keys as you rush out, heading to work 2 hours earlier.

You haven't taken orders in about a year or so when the owner said that she loves your work ethic, offering to let take more of a higher role in the business. You started off as a waitress, then hostess, and lastly manager.

You only took this job as a way to make ends meet, Jungkook's company was still new and unrecognized. A one-income family didn't cut it seeing as you got no help from either side of your family. You constantly tell yourself that it's temporary until the day you can share your art.

Today was supposed to be your half-day, only working later to sort through payroll and schedule people for days next month. You were planning on closing today so you can be alone and focus on the worker's time restrictions and days off.

You stand outside the restaurant taking a deep breath before you start your shift. You open the door and head into the back where the locker rooms are to put your things away and then to the office to gather some paper. As you walk past the kitchen you smile at everyone giving you strange looks coming mainly from the cooks and waiters.

"Why are you here? You are always here. We agreed you'd stay home today." One of the cooks says as you head behind the counter grabbing an apron and putting it on.

"No we agreed on a half-day but either way Jay called out sick so here I am. And before you ask no I couldn't get someone to cover I already called around."

With your laptop and books in hand, you set yourself up in a corner booth in the back section today that you have to cover aka the one furthest away from the door. You hope it's not too busy so you can get some work done and maybe go hope earlier than planned. Since that day he kissed you, you couldn't get him out of your head.

It's soon approaching 10 pm an hour before closing and half an hour before the kitchen closes when the night host comes waltzing over to you. He places a glass of water down and whispered... "There is an extremely sexy man waiting for you at table 10. He says he waiting for someone..."

"Okay Levi, thank you for that." You stick your head out from the booth looking towards table 10 only to realize that the man is sitting on the other side not facing you. Walking over to the table you realize he was talking about Jimin, who smiles nervously at you. You eye him skeptically as you finally reach him and take a seat across from him raising an eyebrow at him.

Gone J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now