September 21, 2012

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Welp, September... Uh, where to begin? 

Towards the end of August, I flew out to Europe with Ryan for the Etnies Euro Tour "Under Our Feet". It was really fun spending time with Ryan in other countries and getting to see the sights. And of course getting to see the smile on his face while he was skating with his friends. 

As the month was getting close to it's end, I had to fly back to California. Why? Well the semester at AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts was to begin. I'm not going as a student though. I've been invited as a "professor" to teach a few hip hop courses. I was pretty stoked to do it, but also nervous since I'd be the same age or younger than some of my students. Ultimately, my excitement won over. 

The night before, I was laid out on the couch when Ryan called.

"Hey Babe, how's it goin?" I asked.

"Good." He answered, "I just called to wish you good luck on your first day as a big shot dance professor." There was a smile in his voice.

I laughed, "well thank you." 

He laughed, then was silent for a moment. "That's it I guess. To hear your voice was enough."

"I love you Mr. Sheckler."

"Love you too Ms. Evander." 

The line went dead. After that, I went to bed so I'd have enough energy in the morning. 

I got to AMDA at 6:30 am. In the main office, a receptionist showed me to Mr. David Dent Martin's office. He's the Artistic Director of AMDA. "Ms. Evander! Welcome!" He smiled when he saw me. 

"Mr. Martin, so nice to meet you." We shook hands.

"Please, call me David if I may call you Jordyn."

"Of course. Thank you so much for this opportunity."

"Well, you are very welcome. I should be thanking you for taking the time and accepting my offer." He motioned to the door. "Please, I'll show you to your office."

I nodded as he followed me out. "It's no problem at all, I was looking to take some time off from touring anyways. This worked out perfectly for everyone."

"So it did." He smiled, happy with my decision. He led me through the hallways that were already swimming with students. All carrying their backpacks, athletic bags, or instruments. "I've had many students coming to me about how excited they are for your classes. There wasn't room for everyone unfortunately." 

"That's humbling to know." 

He smiled as we stopped at a wooden door with a window and closed blind. On the window, my name was spelled out in black, Ms. Jordyn Evander. It was awesome. He took a key from his pocket and unlocked the door, "after you." 

I stepped inside, the room was warmly lit with a row of windows on the far wall. A beautiful mahogany desk sat by the windows, the chair facing me. There were a few chairs on the other side of the desk with their backs to me. The carpeting looked new as did the furniture. Filing cabinets and shelves took up the side walls. There was also a good sized couch there too. On the wall next to the door was a large flat screen tv and stereo system. 

"You may decorate as you like." He said.

"Thank you. I like it very much." 

"Great!" He motioned to the desk. "Your schedule and class lists as well as a map of the campus are on your desk. Make yourself at home and we'll see you at lunch."

"Thank you." I smiled as he walked out, closing the door.

I threw my bags on the couch and walked over to my desk, sitting and who doesn't spin around in their new chair? I picked up my schedule. 5 courses, 2 on Mondays and Wednesdays and 3 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Office hours on Fridays and in between classes. Intro to Hip Hop on Mondays and Wednesdays and Hip Hop 2, Advanced Hip Hop, and Choreography on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This should be fun... 

My Journey: Keep You With Me (Book 3) ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now