|·|Side Story: Mana|·|

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A/N: Hey... I'm sorry I haven't really been updating for a while, it's just school stress and other stuff going on... This is just a small, tiny chapter I wrote to try to at least give you something... I'm so sorry, thank you for so many views on this, it really actually means so much to me. So, this is the filler-ish chappie, hope you enjoy!

Magic; free verse poem/narrative from Kai. (Did this at school lmao)

Atop a small hill, a young girl stood beneath the towering darkness of night.
Her long, lavender hair flowing through a light breeze.
The unknowing of what was to come lingers in her mind as she began to grow nervous.
The girl shakily lifted her arms as she let go of an unsteady breathe.
Trying to ignore her worries of another failure, she shut her eyes in an attempt to focus.
The girl felt her heart racing faster than the speed of light,
A cold, hard sweat threatens to slip down her forehead.
"Maejig, lilliseu..." She uttered slowly in case of mispronunciation.
Sensing no magical aura in the surrounding few metres, the girl crept her eyes open, only to find the same dull, dark night sky she had begun with.
Frustration rapidly growing inside of her, she let out a small groan.
She ran her fingers through her hair, calming herself down.
Deciding to replace her anger with determination, she tries again.
Fixing her stance, she closed her eyes and raised her arms once again.
"Maejig, lilliseu...!" She spoke, both louder and a tad bit more confident than the last.
She waited in expectation, hoping for a delayed reaction,
But nothing happened.
Disappointedly, she sighs.
What was she missing?
She had the stance, she had the words,
She somewhat had confidence, though lacked a bit.
So what?
She stood there for a moment, frozen in thought.
The girl suddenly slipped a slight gasp as she recalled what she had forgotten.
"Imagination!" She exclaimed, returning the hope she lost.
She jumped up, the flame of excitement that had once died out had now need put back, roaring with life.
The confidence she lacked now radiating off her skin.
She looked back up at the inactive, colourless sky she stood under.
The girl ascended her arms, as she did many times before.
Standing there in silence, only hearing the faint whistle of the wind, the girl concentrated only on bringing out the creativity of her mind.
Inside the imagery of her thought, she stood before a vast mirror,
But instead of her reflection she sees, the girl caught sight of a huge pool overflowing with the magical liquid known to be named, Mana.
The amount of Mana stored inside of her petite body both astounded and puzzled the girl.
But before she could get carried away, she remembered what she needed to do.
"Maejig, lilliseu!" She called out, confidently.
The girl imagined the Mana lift into the air in many, different swirls.
Curious to if it was really working, the girl slowly unsealed her eyelids from each other, only to be greeted with an astonishing sight.
The magic swirls that she had imagined had come to life.
Vibrant illuminations of colour painted the lonely night sky.
The girl stood there, eyes widened, the feeling of accomplishment shone in her pupils.
"I did it!"

A/N: As I said before, it's really short, I'm sorry. I'm trying to put out more chapters, it's just, stress and what I explained last a/n, I don't know... I'll try to make more after school when we're on break so please just hang on. I'm sorry to make you wait only for bad chapters...

This chapter is a bit lighter and less dark than the others, I will try more in the future to make my chapter and this whole book better.

Anyways, thank you for reading this and I hope you liked it!


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