Chapter One

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I am creating a poll for which book everyone would love to see published next! I have been indecisive as to which of my stories to share and now I've decided to let you all decide! Please check out my page to vote!

Whichever book is voted to be published next will be rewritten(edited of course) and handed off to my publisher to release officially with a whole new cover and paperback options!!

Years without trouble gave the pack a comfortable reason to run free miles from pack home. There was trouble, but nothing a few conversations couldn't handle.

It was after ten. Young werewolves found themselves going out into the City to explore the night life like sheltered kids being left alone in the world for a day.

"Bro. Don't be stingy." Simon shoved his friends playfully across the counter. They all sat around on stools as the waitress placed their desert down.

"Enjoy boys." The woman was in her late fifties; an apron around her shoulder and waist.

Finishing their desert, Simon became distracted when a young woman walked pass him. She flickered like dancing floor lights, the moment their eyes linked. Too beautiful to pass up, Simon patted his friends shoulder, never losing eye contact with the woman. She had to be in her early twenties. Only seventeen, this could be his lucky night.

He slipped out of his stool.

"Bro, where are you going?" His friend took another bite of his pie, waving  for Simon to come back.

Simon flapped his arm out. "See you home."

His attention was drawn to her in a way that seemed to overwhelm all his senses. He saw nothing but her and wanted to be the air she couldn't breathe. Deep down, Simon knew what she was; other than beautiful. Her raspberry dyed hair, flowed natural and vibrant around her face. Skin, the right level of pale with violet shade lipstick and mascara. Eyes sapphire, she moved her lips softly, telling him to follow.

Simon could feel his breath pass through his lips. Part of him knew he should stay with his friends, but could not stop. He had to have her at any cost.

Closely, Simon followed this woman like an marionette. She possessed all his strings. She walked up front, slink and alluring. As the city lights seemed to grow distant, Simon could tell, he was no longer in the City. Not sure how long he followed, it scared him inside knowing he was no longer safe. But how could he stop? She moved faster. He tried skipping to catch up.

The air thinned to the point of taking deeper breaths. Simon shivered not from the cold dark sky but because he knew this was a trap. A trap he walked completely blind into though his eyes were wide open. A trap, only a vampire could set.


Dakota's front paws rested atop of her oldest friend body after finishing their hunt. Being both dominant Weres, they enjoyed challenging each other on a regular. Neither ever took offense, trusting the intention and excitement they shared.

Dakota's brown creamy pelt skidded over Reese's ash gray, straddling atop. Reese rolled to her back willingly, submitting to Dakota's power.

Dakota was suspicious to why her friend quit easily and snarled. She hated the status of an Alpha's daughter. Everyone never wanted to offend the Alpha by being to challenging until Dakota forced upon a real fight. For Reese, she suspected something else was the cause to submitting. Dakota exposed her fangs and saw no movement in Reese. Something hidden in Reese's eyes, Dakota wanted to heave it out of her like pulling thick weeds from the soil. Sometimes Dakota thought she knew the answer to Reese's hesitation, but a fog always appeared before she could figure it out.

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