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( direct message! )

dan: mate this is like,, the 4th
time u went to that flower shop
this week. why the fuck do u need
this many plants?

phil: what are you talking about??
i haven't gone that many times! and
i thought you liked my plants :(

dan: i don't hate ur plants.. i hate
the fact you keep going out to buy
them. u have plenty!!

dan: wait

dan: do u like someone who works

phil: whAt

phil: where the fresh heck did you
get that idea from??

dan: idk mate,, u know u hate
going outside. but ever since u
stepped foot in that place u never
want to leave

dan: it was just an assumption,,
thought there was a person there u
liked seeing or sumn lmao

phil: hate to disappoint ya danny
but there isn't anyone

phil: i just happen to enjoy seeing
so many different types of houseplants



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AESTHETIC ✧ phil lesterWhere stories live. Discover now