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it's date night.

"(y/n)!" katie shouts.

"what do you want?!"

"what are you losers gonna eat?! we gotta order it now or it'll never arrive in time and you'll starve!"

"order whatever from bella italia or something kinda date worthy, maybe some pizza, i dunno! but remember, no cheese for phil in any way, shape, or form!"

katie mumbles to herself, "this boy's gonna be the death of me."

(i actually looked up restaurant chains in the uk bc im an uncultured, shitty american 😌)

(y/n) looks over to her closet, "elliott, talk to me baby. have an outfit in mind?"

"bitch how many pairs of mom jeans do you need?!"

"stop making fun of me!" he pouts.

"okay, okay. i chose your nicest, least dirt-covered, jeans and your rose-printed button up. basic enough for you?"

"fuck, you really came through, ells."

"duh, when do i not? just want my boy to look good for his mans." he smirks, "accessory-wise, i found i cute, chunky belt and your mismatched socks. and wear your most decent undergarments, just in case y'all wanna..." ells pauses, just for suspense, "... canoodle."

"elliott! shut the fuck up! nasty ass, this is only our third date!"

"and jake and amy from brooklyn nine-nine slept with each other on their first date! big deal! you guys probably undress each other with your eyes! in front of me! my young, innocent eyes." he looks away, again for dramatic affect.

he rolls his eyes, "you're the last person i'd describe as 'innocent.'" elliott lets out a laugh.

"anyways, i can't thank you and katie enough."

"aw it's no biggie. we're always happy to help, okay?"

"yeah, thanks." he smiles.

"anyways, got any idea what movie y'all are watching?"

"um... (insert movie here bc i suck at dates and movies and romance teehee)."

"good taste."

"i know. now get out, i gotta change."

elliott leaves for a few minutes, then heard (y/n) call his name, "hey, you wanna see if i look okay?"

he walks inside, "yes bitch!!! fuck it up!!"

the two hear katie shouting, her voice getting louder as she walks to (y/n)'s room, "hey fuckers, how long does it take to get ready for a date? and (y/n), i thought you'd at least choose and outfit or something the night before or at least during your break or-" she opens the door and cuts herself off, "oh. my. god. (y/n)! you look so cute!!" as she walks to them, she leans in closer to elliott's ear and whispers, "so what are the chances of them fucking each other?"

he looked over to her, "mmmmmm i'm thinking really high, but homeboy here called me 'nasty ass.'"

"oh shut up! go make yourselves comfortable downstairs!"

the two roll their eyes, "whatever, your highness."

[ meanwhile... ]

"dan! oh my gosh, i think i'm panicking. are we late?! do i look okay? i-"

"phil, jesus! calm your tits! you've been on two dates already, why the panic?"

AESTHETIC ✧ phil lesterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя