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"heya phil! dan! merry christmas!"

"you too (y/n)! so um, we have a problem.."

"oh no, what's it now?"

"wha- why are you giggling? this isn't funny!"

"yeah sure. anyways what's the big deal, boys?"

"um, we need a christmas tree.."

"are you kidding me?!"

"no?... heh."

"... i'll check in the back."

"you are a lifesaver, (y/n). thank you so much!"

"yeah, yeah, whatever. dorks."

merry late crimmus
from ur not so favorite
rat child! i was debating
whether or not to write
a chrysler chapter but i
decided why not? and if
u don't celebrate i hope u
have a happy holiday!

AESTHETIC ✧ phil lesterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя