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( direct message! )

third, fourth, & fifth wheels 😔🤙

dan: why are we texting as we're sitting
next to each other?

kt: bc why not?

elliott: dont act like u and phil dont
do this shit on the daily

dan: fine, you got me there lmao

elliott: also dan, whyd u stay after
u dropped off phil?

dan: i was promised food in kt's dream
date plan soooooooooo

dan: also i wanted to hang w you guys :)
because phil and (y/n) are basically
attached to the hip, and we third, fourth, and
fifth wheels need to stick together

kt: damn straight 😤

( private message w/ kt and ells! )

kt: the moment you tell dan you like
him, i'm gonna be the mf third wheel
by my lonesome 😔

elliott: as if i'll ever tell

kt: and why the hell not? we know for
sure that dan likes boys now, you actually
have a chance!

elliott: he doesnt like me in that way!
we barely talk to each other.

kt: then take this motherfucking
opportunity to get to know each other

kt: and no chickening out!! >:(

elliott: ............. fine.

(end of private message)

kt: i think i hear the food delivery dude.
it's not that much, i'll be able to take it
myself :) feel free to use the computer to
watch a movie or sumn on netflix, hopefully
if the two upstairs canoodle or whateva,
our movie'll drown out the sound

dan: wait did you guys order food for yourselves?
and me????

elliott: uh,,, duh. of course we did. just bc those
suckers r having the time of their lives doesnt
mean we cant 😤

kt: ^^^ yeah we got two large pizzas and some
litre sized bottles of pop. we feastin well tonight
ladiesssss 😌

kt: i'll leave that shit by the register, feel free to
start eating without me

( private message w/ kt and (y/n)! )

kt: heyooo, open the door. i got your food
and dan and ells are eating without me and
i wanna get there before they finish
eating everything 😤

(y/n): oh thank you so much, kt! you're
honestly a life saver ♡♡♡

kt: yeah i know, i get that a lot 😌

(y/n): no need to flex so hard ksjdksjdj

(end of private message)

kt: so, what did y'all pick to watch?

dan: we were debating between rewatching
infinity war for the millionth time or like, the
great british bake off lmao

elliott: but then we came across your lie
in april and thought why tf not ¯\_()_/¯

kt: hell i remember coming back from
a lecture and seeing steph sobbing while
watching it.

dan: well we're in for a treat :))

[ a couple episodes in ]

elliott: fuck we shoulda bought tissues

kt: welp. we're dummies.

dan: this pain goes on for TWENTY
TWO EPISODES?!?!??1!2?

kt: we should've heeded steph's warning.
i knew literally anything could make her
cry but goDDAMN.

elliott: honestly i needed a good cry. everyone
does. and the anime style's so pretty, kaori's
my sweet bby angel T~T

dan: and no lie, kousei's a big fucking mood.

kt: i just like the guy who looks like he's
just constantly going super saiyan lmfao

dan: whoops, phil jsut texted that he's ready
to go home. we should do this again someday!
and don't even think about finishing the series
without me, stupids >:(

elliott: how could we finish the series w/o u?
friends who suffer together stay together :)

kt: ells, i don't think that's how the saying goes

kt: also lowkey surprised phil didn't wanna
stay over

elliott: shit prolly got a lil too steamy then
they remembered that we were downstairs lmao

dan: GOOD. i didn't wanna hear them
fucking each other anyways 😤


—————————————next update'll be the date (not in text form tho, duh

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next update'll be the date (not in
text form tho, duh. i'll actually attempt
some dialogue for y'all skjskfjs) and
after that'll be the third wheels's
hangout! look forward to that hehe :)

also i hope y'all are okay with me
suddenly pairing dan with elliott. i just
thought it's be cute n shit :') kt'll get
a love interest, trust me. he/she'll probably
be a lil more lowkey but it'll be great :D

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