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( direct message ! )

festive gardening hoes 🎄💅✨

(y/n): whatever u losers did,, its working...

(y/n): ya boi scored himself
another date shxksoskkdkssls

kt: omg yes bitch!!!

elliott: claim yo mans!!!!!

elliott: also real quick

elliott: u made a personal
twitter acc??

(y/n): yeah,, phannies arent taking
this rlly well and i don't need ppl
constantly @-ing me for stealing their
"smol bean uwu rawr XD"

kt: the amount of ppl ells and i
told off is overwhelming and so
fucking obnoxious goodness

elliott: if i encounter another uwu
bitch im gonna fuckin snap

kt: maybe we're just making it
worse by telling them off...

elliott: uh no.

elliott: i understand this isnt the
most mature thing to do, but im just
doing the world a favor and educating
the ignorant :)

(y/n): i think it'd be best if all
of us stopped in general. u can
stop snapping at ppl and i'll tell
phil that maybe we should keep
this between us until the storm settles.

kt: u were always the mature one

elliott: maybe that's the smarter thing
to do, but u bet ur ass im still defending
u whenever someone calls u a "dumb

(y/n): oh ells, no can stop u, can they

elliott: lol nope :))

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