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( direct message ! )

dan: phil

dan: phil

phil: w h a t

dan: what if i told you i set
you up on a blind date?

phil: dan!! are you serious?!?1?

phil: you know how i feel about
dating >:(

dan: yeah ofc i know

dan: he isnt some crazy fan
who wants our money i pROMISE.

phil: and how exactly do you
know that?

dan: i have my sources

dan: trust me a bit philly!

phil: ugh fine.. i'll go

phil: but you owe me so much

dan: oh i wont need to owe you
anything once you see him ;)))

phil: what the hell is that
supposed to mean??¿

phil: dan?

phil: DANIEL?

phil: fucking hell..

AESTHETIC ✧ phil lesterWhere stories live. Discover now