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( direct message ! )

(y/n): phil

(y/n): i've been thinking

(y/n): maybe u should stop lowkey
mentioning me in ur tweets...

(y/n): i don't think ur fans
are taking this very well.

phil: shit

phil: I'm sorry if this is making
you uncomfortable..

phil: ugh this is why I don't date.

phil: I'll stop if it makes you feel better..
I'm just so used to putting my life out
there that it's just a force of habit.

(y/n): phil, it's okay. i'm not
uncomfortable, i promise. this
is just... new to me.

phil: it's something to get used
to, for sure.

(y/n): but thats okay!

(y/n): look i just really want
this to work out, okay?

phil: I want things to work
out with you too :')

phil: we'll take things slow if that's
what you want. anything you want.

(y/n): i think i'd like that a lot :)

AESTHETIC ✧ phil lesterWhere stories live. Discover now