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It was really hard to hide Jungkook. There were people everywhere, and the curious little guy wanted to see everything and was peeking out of my pocket.

Finally, I brought him to the bathroom, entered a stall, and took him out of my pocket.

"I kinda regret bringing you to school," I muttered.

"Whyyyy?!" his adorable little eyes widened.

"You're practically showing yourself to everyone! Do you want to be seen?"

"What will they do when they see me?!"

Shit, I can't really tell him or he'd laugh. What should I say, what should I say?

"They'll experiment on you; poke you with sticks."


"They'll treat you like a guinea pig," I concluded gravely.

"Nooooo!" he squeaked, hiding back in my pocket.


I walked back to class, when I bumped into Russell. I squealed internally.

"Oh - Leah, hey," he smiled slightly, looking up at me.

This is Russell. My crush. He's a short and cute little guy that needs to be protected. Unfortunately, he...is shorter than me. I'm so unlucky...

"Hey, Russell," I smiled back at him.

"How's life?" he questioned.

We're also in different classes.

"Meh," I shrugged. "You?"

"It has its ups and downs."

"Hey, Russell! Come fast, or we won't have any time to play basketball!" his friend yelled.

"Coming!" he yelled back. He looked at me. "Well, I have to go. Talk to you later."

"Yeah...talk to you later," I answered my face a tiny bit red.

He went to his friend, and I continued walking to class, my face red.

"Who's that?" Jungkook asked, snapping me out of my daze.

"That's Russell, my friend," I whispered.

"You have a crush on him or what?"

How did he know?! Am I that obvious????

"Am I that obvious?" I muttered sadly.



I went back to class, my head hung low.

As soon as I got back to class, I saw my classmates and some people from other classes gathered around Zian's desk.

"This is so cute!" a girl squealed.

"What is this, Zian?" a boy asked him.

"Ah...it was there in my lunch bag, chomping away at my Nutella sandwich," Zian replied.

"But what is it?" the boy repeated.

"I really don't know."

"It's so flexible!" another girl commented.

Jungkook peeped out of my pocket, curious.

Haider, who was also one of the people gathered around his desk, suddenly burst out laughing. "Get this, guys! It even makes sounds when we touch it!"

What? Makes sounds when we...touch it?

Then, I heard a slight squeak. "Hey, stob it!"

"Let's go check it out," Jungkook told me.


I walked over to the group. "What's that?"

"Oh, Leah," Cam, one of my classmates, said. "Hey."

"What's that?" I repeated.

"Come here and check it out." She pulled me into the circle.

I was met with the sight of a handsome-cute chibi person just like Kookie, staring at everyone as if they were crazy.

Then I realised: Jungkook was peeking out from my pocket. He could risk being seen! *le gasp*

I quickly pushed him back inside the pocket. Thankfully, no one had seen him. But that little Kookie-like person had seen him, so that guy was staring at me.

"Do you know what it is, Leah?" Steven, another one of my classmates questioned.

"Don't be silly, Steven!" Akeno chided. "If we don't know what it is, Leah wouldn't know what it is as well!"


I whipped around furiously to face Akeno. "Excuse me!!! What the hell do you mean by that?!"

"You're dumb."

"I am not!"

"Well, if you're not, tell me what this creature is," Haider stated smugly.

"I do know it!"

"Then tell me what's the name."

Oh shit. I really don't know what it is. What to do...what to do...

I stroked the pocket where Kookie was currently travelling in. He snickered from inside the pocket.

"What, Leah? You said you knew it," Akeno said, grinning that shit-eating smug grin.

"I do!" I hissed.

"Then tell us."

"Yeah! I want to know!" a boy piped up.

UGH. Why did I have to go and open my stupid fucking mouth?!

"We're all waiting, Leah," Elaine, my worst enemy, told me. Ugh! I hate her!

"Uh...ummm...I'm trying to remember it, okay????" I grumbled. "Stop disturbing me! DND!!!"

"But we all want to know!" she protested. "The world wants to know!"

What do I say??? What do I say????

Oh! I got it!

"Bingo! I remembered!" I yelled.

"What???" Akeno's mouth dropped open. "Tell me!"


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