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Kennedy Rose looked up at the intimidatingly large building in front of her. She watched swarms of people enter the school. To her, it never seemed to slow down.

She walked down the narrow hallway and found her locker. It was hard but she managed. After a few attempts, she figured out how to use the lock. She set all of her new binders and books into the blue metal locker. She pulled out her schedule before closing her locker.

1st - Advisory
2nd - Science
3rd - Language Arts
4th - Lunch
5th - Math
6th - Social Studies
7th - Choir
8th - Student Aid

She looked around for teachers. She saw one down the hall. She quickly asked where her 1st period was. He pointed her in the direction. She walked down the hallway until she found the room.

She sat in the way back of the room. She didn't expect anybody to sit next to her, but just her luck a huge group of boys sat next to her. The boys pulled up chairs to the table, even with others open.

"Hello class, I'm your teacher, Mrs. Jackson," the teacher said. Nobody responded. "Well this will be a fun year," she said giving an awkward smile. A few kids nodded.

Kennedy just zoned the teacher out. She studied the faces of her new classmates.

"Are you new or something?" A boy with blue eyes asked. Kennedy nodded. "No wonders, I'm Daniel. These are my friends Jack, Jonah, Zach, and Corbyn" Daniel said pointing behind him. Kennedy waved to them. They all waved back a few of them gave her a smile.

"I'm Kennedy, call me Ken for short I guess," she said nervously.

"Don't worry, 7th grade can't be that much harder right?" Daniel said. The others agreed. "Yeah 6th wasn't too bad I guess" Zach replied.

Lunch rolled around and Kennedy had nowhere to sit. She hadn't really talked to anyone yet. She wandered across the cafeteria to an empty table. She knew she probably looked like a loner. She ate her food while watching everyone else in the room.

It was distinct who was popular and not. The popular kids sat in the middle of the room, they all had name brand shirts on. The girls all had crop tops, ripped Jean's, and Van's. The boys all had name brand hoodies and Jordan's.

Her eyes wandered to the funny kids. They were clearly well known, they had tons of people at their table. They were all laughing at each other's jokes. 

Kennedy felt a hand grip her shoulder. She jumped in her seat and quickly turned around. She saw the boys from 1st period all standing there. Jonah had his hand on her shoulder.

"You scared me so bad! Don't you ever do that again!" She breathed out. The boys all laughed and sat down.

"So you got any friends yet?" Jack asked leaning over the table to steal her fries. Kennedy slapped his hand away. "No I don't and these are mine," she said hugging the fries. Jack laughed and leaned back.

2 more girls wandered over to the table. They were both brunettes. One had straight hair the other had long wavy hair.

"Hey guys, this is our new squad member Kennedy," Jonah said pointing at me. Ken waved awkwardly. I looked over at Corbyn and he looked annoyed.

"Omg, your eyes are so pretty!" The girl with straight hair said. "I'm Thea, by the way, this is Iva," Thea said motioning to the other girl.

"I'm so happy we finally have another girl in the squad!" Iva said sitting next to Kennedy. Corbyn rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

"What's up to your ass?" Thea said glaring at Corbyn.

"We don't need another member," Corbyn said shrugging.

"We all want her in the group," Jonah said frowning at Corbyn. Corbyn rolled his eyes. He really didn't like her at all.

"Hey, we should all hang out at the park after school" Zach suggested. Kennedy agreed to give him a smile.

After lunch, Kennedy pulled out her schedule. She had math with Jack, Zach, Corbyn, and Daniel. She walked down the hall. She saw the four boys jumping around the empty classroom. She giggled and sat down in a seat. The rest of the boys sat at the table next to her.

Kids filled the classroom. A girl and 2 boys sat at her table. She talked to Daniel until the teacher came into the room.

"Hello I'm Mrs. Bell, this is Math," she said looking bored out of her mind. Kennedy awkwardly sat there. The teacher rambled on and on about her life.

"Okay this is your seating chart, figure it out," the teacher said plopping the seating chart on the table. Kennedy scanned the chart until she found herself. She was up front in the middle row. She sat with Corbyn and Daniel. The other seat was empty.

Kennedy set her things on the desk and chose her seat. Daniel sat across from her Corbyn sat next to her. The other seat had been filled with the teacher's things.

The teacher assigned everyone to work with their groups, they had to do a poster on exponents to see how much they knew.

Kennedy started working with Daniel. Corbyn sat there watching them. "You're doing it wrong," he said in a monotone voice. Kennedy looked up at him. "How do you do it then?" She asked annoyed with his behavior.

Corbyn explained how to do it properly. Daniel watched the two quietly. The entire time Corbyn explained he would tease her. Kennedy looked fed up.

School had just ended. Kennedy texted her mom letting her know she was hanging out with her new friends. Her mom agreed excited she made friends so fast.

"So you guys say we are in a squad, so what's the squad name?" Kennedy asked pushing her phone back into her pocket.

"I've never really thought about it," Jack said stopping in his tracks. "You should name it" Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"She's going to name it something Dumb like 'girls rule'" Corbyn said pointing at her.

"She's naming it," Jack said annoyed. Everyone could feel the tension between Kennedy, Jack, and Corbyn.

"I'll think about it," She said awkwardly. They arrived at the park. It was about 5 minutes from the school. The 12-year-olds all sat on the swings and monkey bars talking. The group all talked until the sun was about to set.

"Let's watch the sunset, then let's head home" Jack suggested. So the group climbed to the highest point and watched the sun fall behind the mountains to the west.

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoy this! If you have any suggestions let me know. I will try to update this book at least once a week.

Also, this is a group account if you would like to apply for a position, send me a DM on this account or my main account  Deadly-Seavey.

Requirements are:
●I need some way to contact you outside of this app,
●you need to update at least once every week.
●I need a sample of your writing

If you have any question DM me


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