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Corbyn sat on the bench at the park waiting for everyone to show up. Jack and Kennedy were the first to show up. Kennedy smiled at Corbyn. He waved back to her. Jack looked confused.

"When did that happen?" Jack asked confused. Kennedy shrugged and sat on the grass in front of the bench.

"Jonah just texted me he said Iva and Zach can't come. They are also about 2 blocks away" Jack said.

"I bet Iva and Zach are going to date. They totally like each other" Kennedy squealed. The two boys looked at each other.

"Why are girls so obsessed with people dating each other?" Corbyn asked confused. Jack just shrugged. Kennedy rolled her eyes. She saw the rest of the group across the field.

She jumped up and ran to Thea. She tackled her to the ground making them both roll a few times. They both burst into laughter.

"Hey to you too" Thea laughed. "Sorry I'm really energetic today," Kennedy said helping Thea off the ground.

Jonah was watching Thea intensely. Kennedy smiled to herself. She was happy Thea might find love soon with Jonah.

"Go get you a man" Kennedy whispered into Thea's ear. Thea blushed and shoved Ken's shoulder a little. Kennedy laughed and ran over to Daniel, Jack, and Corbyn.

"Hey Dani," Kennedy said pulling Daniel into a hug. Daniel hugged back for a few seconds. They pulled away. Kennedy notices the look to Jack's face. He was clearly jealous. Kennedy winked at him and sat on the bench next to Corbyn.

"So what's up with your hair today? It looks like someone skinned a rat" Corbyn said leaning back on the bench.

"I could say the same for you," she said with a smirk. Corbyn laughed a little before looking around the park. His eyes landed on a boy across the park. His eyes widened in fear.

"Guy's! That's James" Corbyn said in fear. The entire group all snapped their heads in the direction Corbyn was looking.

"Who is James?" Kennedy asked confused.

"He beat Corbyn, Zach, and Daniel up last year. He almost got to the girls when Jonah and I got there to beat his ugly ass" Jack said clearly pissed.

"Oh," Kennedy said scared. She moved behind Corbyn and Jack. James walked over to the group.

"Scared Goldie?" James yelled clearly to Kennedy. She whimpered a little. She hated when people mocked her eyes.

"Shut up James" Jack growled. Kennedy jumped at Jack's tone. She grabbed Corbyn's arm and hid behind him.

"Little jumpy huh?"James sneered at Kennedy.

"Leave her alone James" Corbyn yelled.

"Leave her alone James," James said mocking Corbyn. "How about we show her what happens when you cross me?" James said walking closer to Corbyn. Their chest was almost touching.

Jack shoved James making him fall to the ground. "Fucking bitch!" James yelled pulling Jack's legs from under him.

Kennedy started crying watching Jack start punching James. Jonah ran over and started helping Jack.

She let go of Corbyn's arm and held both of her hands to her face. Corbyn quickly realized the girl hasn't latched onto him anymore. He turned around to see her crying. He quickly hugged her tightly.

She buried her head into his shoulder trying to block out the sounds of yelling and punching. She could hear Thea yell but she couldn't make out any words.

"Stop it!" Daniel yelled pulling Jack's arms off James. Jonah stopped hitting him and held James shirt tightly in his fist. Jack took a step back from the very bruised and bloody James.

"Mess with us again James and I swear next time I won't stop," Jack said harshly. Jonah let go of his shirt making him fall hard to the ground.

Kennedy was crying loudly. Corbyn was trying to calm her down but nothing was working. "Hey it's all over now," Corbyn said rubbing her back awkwardly.

"I'm sorry Ken, but nobody treats my friends like that" Jack said frowning. Kennedy just nodded. She hated when people fought and Jack knew that.

She pulled away from Corbyn. They both had a slight blush on their cheeks. "It's okay"

The group was silent. Thea and Jonah were staring at each other. Well, mostly Jonah. Jonah was staring at Thea which made Thea look at Jonah.

Corbyn and Kennedy sat on the bench again. They were both awkward. They both wanted to keep hugging but were too scared the hug each other.

"You okay now?" Corbyn asked scooting closer to the sniffling girl. She nodded wiping her cheeks again. Corbyn nodded and wrapped one arm around her shoulder. She leaned into him. Her head sat between his shoulder and chest.

"Awe they don't hate each other" Jack said quietly to Zach and Daniel. The entire group was watching them expecting a teasing match to start. But it never did. They just sat there with Kennedy's head on Corbyn for almost an hour.

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