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"Guys something is up with Corbyn," Daniel said worriedly to the group of friends.

"He won't talk to any of us! It's like Christina left all over again" Daniel said starting to cry. The boys knew how hard Corbyn had taken her to leave. It was horrible to watch and they were all scared to have to watch him break in front of them again.

"I can go check on him," Thea said biting her lip.

"No, I made him do this. I'm going end of discussion." Kennedy said sternly. The boys all nodded.

"Okay, but he might not listen to you," Jonah said from across the table.

Kennedy shrugged. She looked over at the empty chair.

"I kind of miss the teasing anyway" she admitted. Her and Corbyn would tease each other constantly. Sometimes it would get out of hand.

"You mean you miss crying because of Corbyn," Jack said with an eyebrow raised.

"No, I miss the little things. Like when he teased me about my pencil being pink. Just dumb stuff that we both knew didn't matter" she said fiddling her fingers.

"Okay, but if he hurts you in any way. Physical or Emotional I don't care just call me" Jack said with a serious tone.

"He won't hurt her Jack," Zach said annoyed. Jack grumbled something under his breath.

"Jack he wouldn't ever lay a finger on her" Daniel reassured. Daniel's arm wrapped its a way around Jack's waist. Jack blushed lightly. The three girls awed at the sight.

Kennedy winked at Jack. Jack's blush got redder. Iva giggled watching Daniel's smile get bigger when Jack hugged him back.

"I ship it so hard" Kennedy whispered to her friends. They all agreed.

"What's the gossip?" Zach asked. The girls giggled again. Jack knew they were giggling about him and Daniel.

"Nothing," Thea said. Jonah gave her a look that made her heart melt.

"I also ship Tonah," Iva said whispering in her friend's ear. Kennedy agreed. Thea's face went beet red.

Kennedy nervously knocked on the Besson's door. She waited a few seconds before the door opened.

"How can I help you?" The woman asked. Must be his mom she thought.

"I'm here to see Corbyn" Kennedy responded politely.

"Come in, I'm his mom," she said closing the door behind them.

"He is upstairs second door to the right," his mom said.

Kennedy walked up the stairs. There were family photos everywhere. She looked down the hall. She found the door his mom was talking about. She knocked softly.

"Come in," a broken voice said from behind the door. Kennedy twisted the knob nervously. She opened the door, Corbyn sat on his bed with a guitar in his hands.

"The hell are you doing here?" Corbyn asked confused.

"Corbyn everyone is worried about you, they won't tell me what happened last year but they were worried you're doing it again," Kennedy said confused.

"They don't have to worry. Tell them I'm not. I'll come to school tomorrow" Corbyn said biting his cheek.

"Can you tell me what you're not doing?" Kennedy asked still confused. Corbyn looked at her with scared eyes.

"I really don't want to," Corbyn said sighing. Kennedy nodded. She understood there were some things meant to be kept a secret.

"Okay that's fine but could the boys tell me?" Kennedy asked sitting on Corbyn's bed.

"I would rather you never know," Corbyn said putting his head in his hands. Kennedy was confused about what he was hiding.

Kennedy just nodded and wrapped her arm around Corbyn. Corbyn was a little shocked but wrapped his arm back around her.

They hugged for a few minutes. For those few minutes, their rivalry seemed to disappear. Corbyn needed someone to be there for him and that's all that mattered.

"Thanks. I've been such a dick to you I don't deserve your sympathy" Corbyn said pulling out of the hug. Kennedy just shrugged. "It's fine. Let's just try to start over maybe?" Kennedy said giving him a hopeful look.

He nodded. "Yeah. But I'm still going to tease you, I'll just try not to be as harsh" Corbyn said smirking at her.

"Okay. I'm cool with that, I enjoy pissing you off too" Kennedy said with a cute giggle. Corbyn's heartfelt fuzzy for a second. He knew there was no way she would ever like him like that. His heart went back to the numb state it was before she got there.

"Well, I have to text Jack. He thought we were going to get in a huge argument" Kennedy said pulling out her phone. Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I expected that. Shockingly enough we are good friends. Jack's just a protective person. If someone hurt any of the group members bet your ass Jack's going to flip" Corbyn said.

"Yeah, I can tell. Someone in the halls pushed Zach and Jack won't stop glaring at him" Kennedy laughed.

"Yeah," Corbyn said thinking about Jack. It was a matter of time before Jack got seriously hurt for protecting one of them.

"Jonah is kind of the same way, except with him he waits until you give permission. Usually, someone was bullying Thea in second grade and Jonah got so mad he shoved the boy down the halls. I think his name was Aaron or something." Corbyn said.

"Seems like them" Kennedy agreed.

The two got to know each other Through the night. Only a few small teases were exchanged. They were starting to be way more comfortable with each other. But they wouldn't let the other know that.

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