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Kennedy waited patiently at the movie theater waiting for the rest of the meme team to show up. Daniel and Jonah somehow convinced Corbyn to come with them.

Kennedy was confused about why Corbyn hated her so much. Yeah, she was new and all but was it really all that bad? Everyone else seemed to like her.

Kennedy spotted Thea from across the road. Kennedy was propped against a slab of concrete outside of the theater.
Thea saw her and ran over.

"Hey Ken, is anybody else here yet?" Thea asked texting Iva. Kennedy shook her head.

"I think that's the boys and Iva," Thea said pointing to the car parking in the parking lot. Sure enough, the boys and Iva all stumbled out of the van.

They all walked in and bought tickets for 'Ralph breaks the internet'. Corbyn's seat, of course, was next to Kennedy. They both groaned looking at each other. Jonah was sat next to Thea and Daniel. Iva was with Daniel and Jack. Corbyn sat next to Jack and of course Kennedy.

They bought 3 large popcorns and drinks. They all grabbed the snacks and found their seats. Corbyn and Kennedy awkwardly sat down next to each other. She went to put her cup in the holder when Corbyn stopped her.

"That one is mine, use the other one" Kennedy rolled her eyes and moved her drink to the other holder. Corbyn smiled to himself.

He knew he was being a dick. But he couldn't help it, she was a replacement for Christina. She was the other girl in their squad. Sadly she had moved schools in the middle of last year. Corbyn and Christiana were best friends they did everything together. That's why it pissed him off that they replaced her so fast.

The movie started with a loud bang. Kennedy jumped in her seat spilling popcorn everywhere.

"Scared of Disney movies huh?" Corbyn asked teasing her. She glared at him. He rolled his eyes and started watching the movie.

This is going to be a long night.

The credits were rolling. The meme team all stood up and grabbed their trash. They left the theater laughing about the movie. Corbyn and Kennedy stood as far away from each other as possible.

They all decided to ride home in the same car. Kennedy, Corbyn, and Jack lived on the same block. It was ironic, the most conflicting members lived so close. The rest of the group lived in another neighborhood across the highway.

Corbyn got in the car first. Then Daniel and Jack making sure Kennedy was away from Corbyn. The rest of the group pulled in with Iva sitting on Zach's Lap and Thea on Jonah's. Zach's mom drove the group home.

"Guys guess what! Kennedy is scared of the princesses!" Corbyn said laughing.

"No, I'm not! She raised her voice and I jumped a little" Kennedy defended.

Zach watched the two go at it. It was like their own personal reality TV. No matter what the two would never get along. It was childish really. Corbyn would constantly pick fights with her. They had only known her for about a week, and they hated each other.

"No one wants you her Kennedy! Just leave us alone!" Corbyn yelled.

"Fuck you, Besson!" She sneered back. Zach's mom pulled over. She dropped the three off and left.

"I bet you guys they will be dating my senior year," Zach's mom said from the front seat.

"Doubt if you think this is bad, try going to math with them," Daniel said rolling his eyes.

"Corbyn stop being a dick to her! She didn't do anything wrong" Jack yelled pushing Corbyn's shoulder.

Kennedy watched the two friends argue. It terrified her. She had always hated when people fought. It always scared her. She quickly walked home before anything could become too physical.

"She replaced Christina!" Corbyn yelled pushing Jack back.

"Corbyn you know she didn't mean too," Jack said calming down a bit.

Everyone knew Corbyn and Christiana were inseparable. When she moved Corbyn became really depressed all the time. It was a horrible few months before he started hanging out with the group again.

"I know, I just really miss her," Corbyn said taking a deep breath. Jack nodded and pulled Corbyn in for a small hug. "But to clear things up, I still don't like her"

"Fine just please try to retrain yourself, she's just trying to fit in," Jack said pulling out of the hug.

"Fine, I guess I'll try not to be a dick" Corbyn mumbled.

"What was that?" Jack asked knowing good and well what Corbyn had just said.

"I said I won't be a total dick"


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