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"Hey bitches," Thea said happily sitting down.

"Language" Daniel muttered. Jack smiled at him. Daniel smiled back and bit into his sandwich.

"What's up to Thea?" Iva asked her.

"Well since you asked, I won free tickets to Heritage Square," Thea said smiling. Heritage Square was a really sketchy amusement park. Almost all the rides are about to break down. That was just part of the thrill now.

"Cool how many?" Jack asked.

"One for each of us"

A chorus of 'yes' was heard all around the table. "We have to ride the wooden coaster," Corbyn said excitedly.

"Nope! I don't want to die" Kennedy said instantly. "Do you know how many people have died on that ride?"

"Not that many or it wouldn't be open anymore," Jonah said smirking.

"Nobody likes your technicality Jonah" Kennedy teased. Jonah playfully rolled his eyes.


Hours later the group was entering Heritage Square. The ticket line was short. Thea gave the lady her free tickets.

"Have an amazing time!" The ticket stand lady said smiling. Kennedy smiled back.

She had never been here before. Everything looked like an old run down park. Which it was.

"Tower of Doom?" Corbyn asked excitedly. Everyone agreed except Kennedy.

"Guys I'm scared of heights," she said nervously. Corbyn rolled his eyes and dragged her to the line. "You can rude with me, its 4 people so Thea and Jonah will go with us," Corbyn said.

"Guy's please don't make me I really don't want to," She said digging her nails into her palm. She did that when her Anxiety got bad. Which was usually situations like this.

Corbyn looked down and noticed what she was doing. They were next in line so there was no turning back. Kennedy was sat on the inside next to Thea. Corbyn and Jonah were sat on the outside.

"You guys ready?"

"No" Kennedy whispered under her breath. "Yes!" Thea yelled loudly.

The ride started going up. Kennedy's stomach fell when she realized how high they actually went up.

"Corbyn I hate you, you know that?" Kennedy asked. He laughed.

The ride reached the top and it halted to a stop. Kennedy looked down which was a big mistake. She felt nauseous.

After about 1t seconds of being in the air, the ride dropped fast. Her stomach rose to her chest as they fell a few stories. Without thinking she grabbed Corbyn's hand. She couldn't scream it was all happening too fast.

The ride looked like it was about to hit the ground when it halted again. This time they were about 15 feet if the ground. Kennedy let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding.

They gradually dropped to the ground. Kennedy unbuckled her seat as fast as possible wanting off.

She ran out of the booth still holding Corbyn's hand. She let go awkwardly and blushed.

"You're just scared of everything huh?" Corbyn teased.

Kennedy glared at Corbyn. "I told you I was scared of heights"

"We're at an amusement park... what did you expect?"

"To not have my life threatened at the most sketchy park in the country!" Kennedy yelled. She was angry. Mostly at her self for getting on that ride.

"Okay well after the rest of the group goes then were riding the roller coaster. So get ready" Corbyn said sitting on the bench behind the two.

Kennedy dug her nails into her palms again. The roller coaster had actually killed people before. A few years before the entire middle collapsed with a cart on it killing everyone inside.

Corbyn looked down and noticed what she was doing again. He pulled her hand apart and placed his own there instead. "I might be an ass but I'm not going to let you do that" Corbyn said squeezing her hand.


The group approached the ThunderBolt. It was a wooden coaster. The white paint was chipping off of it. As people rode the ride it shook. It was so rickety if the wind was over 15 mph they had to shut down the ride.

"I can't guys," Kennedy said stepping back. Daniel and Iva both agreed. The three wanted nothing to do with the ThunderBolt. Thea was just brave and wanting to do everything that could kill her.

"You guys can," Jack said yanking Daniel back in line. Iva walked back to Zach. Kennedy looked up in fear and stepped in line next to Corbyn.

For some reason, everyone stayed in groups. Jack and Daniel. Iva and Zach. Thea and Jonah. Corbyn and Kennedy. The last one was shocking even to them. By now usually, they were annoyed to the point the group had to separate them.

It was their turn to get on. Thea and Jonah chose their seats up front. Corbyn pulled Kennedy into the row behind them. Zach and Iva sat behind them with Jack and Daniel in the back.

The ride started by going up a steep hill. Kennedy felt her anxiety really act up now. She could feel the ThunderBolt sway from side to side. Hell, she could see it.

They made it to the top of the hill. They had about 1 second before they plummeted to the ground. There was a sharp twist that made Corbyn and Kennedy smash into each other.

The ride eventually stopped after 2 more hills and at least 10 twists. Kennedy was shaking really badly. She could see Iva in the same state. Daniel looked like he was actually having fun.

They quickly got off. The group stopped to let Kennedy and Iva regain themselves.

"Who wants to go on the Fly Trap?" Daniel asked to point to a ride. That was the ride that spin so fast you got stuck to the walls. Kennedy and Iva said no quickly.

"Fine you losers stay here," Thea said already running to the ride. Everyone followed Thea except Ken and Iva.

"How's it going with you and Zach," Kennedy asked getting straight to the tea.

Iva blushed bright red. "Good I guess" Kennedy chuckled at how embarrassed Iva was.

"What about you and bean?" Now it was Kennedy's turn to blush.

"Nothings going on between us"



"That's bullshit I saw you and him holding hands, and remember at the park?" Iva wiggled her eyebrows.

"I don't like Corbyn" Kennedy insisted.

"That's a lie"

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter ♡

- Deadly-Seavey

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