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Kennedy was waiting for the meme team to show up for student aid. She was sitting at in a chair with a book propped open in her lap.

"Ready for us to show you our infamous note card prank?" Daniel asked holding 4 stacks of notecards. Kennedy nodded eagerly.

"Okay everybody goes raid the supplies closet, the paper will work too," Jack said walking over to a closet. Corbyn had a plastic bag. Everyone open the packs and spilled the cards into the bag.
The bag was completely full.

"Okay so for this we are going to pour the cards over the railing so the fall down to the office okay?" Jonah said handing Kennedy the bag. "After we are done, run down the halls. Oh and make sure the cameras don't see your face, we are okay in here. The classrooms and library don't have cameras"

Kennedy nodded pulling up her hood. The rest of the group did the same. Iva opened the door and started walking down the hall. They went through the pods to ensure cameras wouldn't see them. Kennedy had the bag stuffed in her hoodie.

The got to the staircase Jonah was talking about. She saw the ledge over the office. Careful and soundless as possible she pulled the bag out and untied it.

She set it over the railing and let the cards spill out. The cards all spread out across the ground. She laughed and ran back to the library as fast as possible. She got in to shut the door. Everyone took their hoodies off and hid them. Jack for extra precaution changed his shoes.

"So what happens if we get caught one day?" Kennedy asked nervously. Jonah shrugged. "No clue"

The group made it a thing where every Tuesday the would go to the park. The park was in Kennedy, Jack's, and Corbyn's side of the neighborhood.

They all walked there after school. Iva and Thea were teasing Kennedy the whole time about being scared to get caught.

The group spread out across the park. Jack, Jonah, and Zach played basketball. Iva and Thea were watching them play and cheering them on. The other three were working on their math homework again.

"Are you actually stupid or something? 8 to the power of 2 is obviously 64! Everyone knows that" Corbyn mumbled to Kennedy. Daniel watched Kennedy she looked like she was going to cry.

"Corbyn what did I do to you! Why do you hate me so much!" She asked. Her mood changed from sad to angry.

"Who wouldn't hate you! You're a fucking idiot!" Corbyn said immediately regretting it. Kennedy got off the bench and ran away from them. "Shit, I'm sorry," Corbyn said.

"Look what you did! Why are you such an ass!" Jack yelled at Corbyn. Thea and Iva ran after Kennedy catching up easily. Corbyn watched the two girls hugged Kennedy.

"I'm sorry, it just came out," Corbyn said taking a deep breath.

"Yeah well stop doing that!" Jack sneered walking to Kennedy. Corbyn watched Kennedy run to hug Jack. He felt a pang of jealousy in his heart.

Corbyn got off the bench and walked away from the park..he walked home and ran to his room.

He was angry and sad at the same time. He punched his wall and bit his lip hard at the pain. Why did the boys think he was such a fuckup? They were obviously sick of him.

Corbyn sat on his bed and stared into space. He eventually falls asleep cradling his broken hand.


A/N so the notecard prank also actually happened just not exactly like that.

Edit: I just remembered they are in 7th grade. Damn Corbyn's a violent 7th grader. 😂

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