🐄 Markiplier 🐄

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Living in Cincinnati was so boring. You practically wanted to pull your hair out, out of boredom. The only thing interesting about it was your neighbors. Mrs. Fischbach and her son Tom were the only thing that kept you in Cincinnati. She was practically your mother at this point.

Your parents had died at young ages due to medical illness' and Mrs. Fischbach was basically like there replacements. You also had watched her son Mark's Youtube channel sense he started Youtube. You were friends sense high school but you hadn't seen him sense he left for college and when he came home for the holidays you were always gone at your grandmothers.

You usually would spend the upcoming Christmas holiday with your grandmother in the nursing home, but after she passed away this year you had no place to spend the Christmas holiday. When Mrs. Fischbach found out about the situation she invited you over to there place for the holidays. You gratefully took up the offer and you were super excited to see Mark for the first time in several years.

One morning, two days til Christmas, you woke up and found yourself without milk. No milk equals no breakfast. You sighed. Look's like you were going to have to borrow some from Mrs. Fischbach. The store was closed this early in the morning. Quickly you put on some tennis shoes and jogged next door in your pjs. You knocked on the door and moments later, the door swung open.

"Mark?" You smiled. You were surprised to see him. He had changed quiet a bit sense you had last seen him but it didn't surprise you too much. You already knew his looks had changed. What surprised you was how tall he was compared to you. He always claimed he was short but you didn't expect him to be taller than you.

"Y/N? Hey! It's been forever!" Mark said hugging you tightly. You hugged back. "It really has been!" You smiled. "What are you doing here?" Mark asked with a grin. "Well I ran out of milk. So I came over to borrow some." You laughed. Mark smiled. "Well come on in. If you want you can eat breakfast with up. Mom is cooking." Mark smiled letting you step into the house.

You smiled at him and took off your shoes as he closed the door. You looked around the front room and found five dogs. Lucy and Chica were sleeping on the floor Maggie and Bell were playing rough and Bubble was watching them play. You smiled. This would be your first time meeting Chica. A smell that was sweet and savory filled the room. Mark walked with you into the kitchen. 

"Morning Mrs. Fischbach." You said with a smile. "Oh good morning Y/N! What are you doing here so early?" She smiled while placing a pan on a hot pad. "I ran out of milk so I came over to borrow some, but Mark invited me in for breakfast." You took a seat at the dining table. Mrs. Fischbach smiled and served up everyone's plates. Mark took a seat next to you. "Tom! Breakfast!" 

"So I heard you're going to be spending Christmas with us?" Mark looked at you with a smile, and Tom took a seat on the other side of you and Mrs. Fischbach sat across from you. You nodded. "Im super excited." "Me too." After everyone finished eating breakfast you and Mark spent another hour talking and catching up on each others lives. You even played with Chica for a while while you talked.

"I better get going." You sighed. "Really? Your leaving so soon? I was hoping we could make a video together." Mark frowned. You smiled. "I mean as long as it's okay for me to stay." You said. You were unsure about staying the whole day. Not that you didn't want to, but that you don't want to bother Mrs. Fischbach or Tom if they wanted some peace and quiet.

"Of course you can stay! I'm sure none of us would mind." Mark smiled. "Alright Alright I'll stay." You chuckled. Mark smiled excitedly.

The two of you spent most of the day filming videos with Mark's Family and it wore you out so much that you passed out on the couch from exhaustion. Mark silently places a blanket on top of you and worked on editing videos. You woke up sometime at 2 am to find Mark asleep next to you on the couch. You blushed and giggled silently to yourself. You silently left the Fischbach  house and went home to get a morning shower and change.


Later in the afternoon of Christmas Eve you walked back over to the Fischbach household and walked inside without knocking this time. Mark was on the couch playing on his phone. He looked up at you with a smile. He was still in his pajamas from yesterday. "Where did you go?" You smiled. "I went home to get a shower and do some things around the house." You said taking a seat next to him on the couch. He nodded. 

Mrs. Fischbach walked into the room with an anxious face. She looked like she was having holiday stress. "Mark can you help me please?" Mark looked up from his phone to look at his mom. "Sure." He stood up and walked out of the room with his mother. You sighed. The Christmas tree in the corner of the room was lit up and had presents underneath. The fireplace was decorated with garland and stockings were hung.

You admired the Christmas decorations that Mrs. Fischbach had worked so hard to set up. Lucy waddled over to you. "Hey there puppo." Lucy whined at you as you pet her. "What? Do you want to go outside?" Lucy's ears perked up and she ran for the back door. You laughed to yourself, put on your coat and walked to the back door. When you opened the door, the rest of the puppers came running and ran out into the backyard with Lucy.

You followed them outside and ran around with them for quite a while. You threw snow balls for the dogs to chase and let them play in the snow. Suddenly a ball of snow hit you on the back. You heard laughter and turned around to find Mark  giggling. "Did you just-?" He threw another one right into your face. You gasped and wiped the snow out of your eyes.

Mark was laughing harder than ever. "Or your on!" You smirked and threw a snowball at him. And the war began.

It had been an hour and you were still throwing snowballs at each other. Mark had began chasing you around the yard and he picked you up by the waist. You squealed and tried to get away but is was no use. "Are you going to give up?" Mark asked. You sighed. "F-Fine i give up." You shivered. Mark set you down with a smile and walked you inside.

Mark made hot cocoa for the two of you and you spent the rest of the day on the couch watching Christmas movies. Yet again you and Mark fell asleep on the couch together and you ended up sleeping over for the night.


You woke up the next morning and you were laying up against Mark, who was still asleep. You blushed and carefully sat up. "Mark." You whispered. "Mark its Christmas. Wake up." Mark groaned and his eyes opened. "We slept through your mom putting out presents. Look." You pointed to the tree, which had more presents under it than yesterday. 

Mark chuckled. It wasn't to long after the two of you woke up when Tom and Mrs. Fischbach were awake and in the living room and ready to open gifts. One by one each gift was opened and the four of you all shared laughs with each other. It was one of the best Christmas you have had in years. You hadn't really noticed but Mark began holding your hand and sitting closer to you. It really just felt natural.

Marks Mom and brother decided to go cook lunch together and left you and Mark in the front room with the dogs. "Hey Y/N?" You looked at him and started blushing. You were beginning to realize how close you were to each other. "Yeah?" You looked into his chocolaty brown eyes. "Merry Christmas." He smiled and you smiled back. 

He leaned in and the two of you kissed for a moment. You were surprised but you were okay with it. You had indeed liked Mark for a long time and you remember hearing stories from his mom about him liking you in high school.  This was the best Christmas you will every remember. You and Mark finally had each other.

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