♨️Matt Watson♨️

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"Bye Ryan! Have a safe trip bud!" Your brothers friend Matt called through the face time. Your brother said goodbye and hung up before turning to you.

"I'm gonna miss you." You spoke giving him a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss you too." Ryan said hugging you back. "Watch the house while I'm away. Promise you wont do anything stupid?" Ryan pulled away from the hug to look at you seriously. "I promise." You laughed. "And promise you won't let any guys over?" Ryan spoke sternly.

"I promise. Now get out of here before you miss your flight." Ryan grabbed his bags and opened the front door. "Bye sis!"  "Bye Ryan!"

The door slammed shut behind Ryan and you sighed. You were going to be alone for a while. So you took a seat on the couch and scrolled through Instagram for a bit. You looked through the Super Mega page as usual and then through Matt's page. You liked a couple of his posts before turning on the tv while you looked through Twitter.

Matt suddenly messaged you on Instagram. Which you thought was strange because the two of you never really talked. You just knew each other existed. You opened the message and you were shocked at what you read.

Hey since Ryan is out of town, I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at Chipotle this afternoon?

Strange... Matt never has said a word to you except for a 'hi' or 'hello' from time to time.

Sure. At 12:00?

Yeah. If your okay with that. Just the one down the road from your place.

Sounds great.

You replied. You were starting to wonder what this was all about.

After changing into a nicer outfit and fully getting ready to go out, you scheduled an Uber to come pick you up at 11:50. When the Uber arrived you grabbed your keys and phone before leaving the house and heading over to Chipotle. When you walked inside, Matt was waiting for you.

"Hey!" He said with a smile and a cute wave. "Hey Matt." You stood next to him looking at the menu. Your face scrunched up as you tried to decide what you would order. Matt seemed to notice your frustration. "Have you eaten here before?" He asked. "No I haven't... I've heard good things though." You responded. There was an awkward silence as Matt returned his gaze to the menu.

The line began to get shorter and you'd have to order next. "Do you know what you want?" You nodded. "I think I'm just going to get some chips and dip." You said. He nodded. Matt placed the order and ordered tacos for himself. He kindly paid for the meal and then led you to a table near the window.

You took a seat and smiled at him. "Thanks." "Of course." Matt said sitting across from you. "So how have you been?" Matt asked trying to make conversation. "I've been good. Just been chilling at home. Putting stuff together for work." You smiled. "So you have a channel?" Matt asked. Ryan must have told him about it.

"Yeah. Its doing great." You spoke. "What do you do?" He asked leaning on the table. "I do reviews, look at memes, sometimes do comedy sketches." You shrugged. Matt nodded and smiled. Your conversation was cut short when the food was ready. The two of you began eating and it was silent for a while before Matt spoke again.

"Is the food okay?" He asked. He was obviously worried about you not talking. You smiled and nodded. "Its good. I like the guac." You laughed. Matt smiled in relief. "Good. I'm glad." The two of you enjoyed the rest of your meal. Silently enjoying each other's company.

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