🎮Arin Hanson🎮

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You had always loved Arin. Since high school he was your only reason you found love. He loved you too at one point. But as the two of you grew older you grew farther apart. At one point he had completely disappeared form your life. Until you found Game Grumps. You watched every single video. 

It made you feel like you were friends again. Hearing his voice and watching the power hours was what usually got you through your day. On a heart breaking day however you found out that he had gotten married. Your heart sunk and you stayed home for a week. You had been let go from your job for not showing up.

When you had finally gotten up the courage to look for another job, you went to Twitter for help. Most of your friends and family knew you were looking and one of your high school buddy's sent you an address to a building close to your home. He said they were looking for someone with experience on computers and you smiled. This was something you could do.

So later that evening you made an appointment with the manager of the establishment and you were to meet him the next morning. You got your self ready for the next day and went to bed to get some good rest for your interview tomorrow.

Once the morning came, you took a cab over to the office and you walked into the building. Your new manager was waiting for you but when you saw who it was you were filled with shock. "Brian?" You smiled. He assumed you knew his name from talking to him over the phone. Little did he know you actually knew him from his internet personality.

And that's when it hit you. You had applied for a job at Game Grumps headquarters.  "Nice to meet you Y/N." Brian shook your hand and you shook it back. "It's a pleasure." You were completely stunned. "Oh my god. So your Ninja Brian." Brian smiled at you. "In the flesh. So your a fan then?"

You nodded. "Great! Then you'll have a better comedic insight for what we are going to have you working on." You nodded and followed him down a hall into the office. He showed you around a bit. "Over there is the Gaming office and Recording booth. You can go into the recording booth any time you'd like to ask Matt or Ryan a question. But when the gaming office door is closed, please avoid the room."

You nodded. "This is the Power hour room, or the Super Mega set. Same goes for this room. Don't go in when the door is closed.  My office is over there on the other side of the room next to the NSP music room and this open office space is all yours."

Brian walked you over to an empty desk with a monitor and comfy chair. "If you take the job this will be your desk. We'll be having you double editing and uploading power hour videos. We'll also have you listening to new NSP music before we release the albums so if we need to fix something we can do it before we release an album."

You were overwhelmed. You honestly couldn't believe your ears. "You want to hire me?" You looked at Brian in shock. Brian smiled. "Well yeah. Your qualified and the only one who has applied for the job in a month. We've been working Matt and Ryan over time and they really need someone to help so they can take a break." 

You smiled. "Well I'll take it! When do I start?" You looked at Brian. "I can have you start now If that's alright. I'll have Ryan train you on what you need to do." You smiled. "I'm down for that." Brian nodded and walked over to the Recording booth, open the door and whispered something. Ryan soon followed him to your desk and greeted you as Brian walked off to his office.

You introduces yourself as Ryan helped you log into the computer. "Wait your Y/N? Y/N L/N?" You were shocked yet again. How did Ryan know your name? "Yeah? Why?" You nervously asked. "Arin has told Matt and I some pretty cool stories about you. Your a bad-ass!" You blushed. Arin talks about you still? "Thanks." With a couple of laughs Ryan trained you and helped you re edit your first video.

As the day came to a close you went home for the evening and thanked your friend Tucker for the wonderful opportunity. You fell asleep that night having dreams of Ninja Brian and Danny wishing to never wake up.

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