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Its was a nice day. You had been busy at work but the moment you got to go home from your job you went straight to your room to watch YouTube on your TV. You kept the volume down because you didnt want to disturb your neighbor.

In the middle of a LWIAY video, you recived a knock on the door. Quicly, you made your way to the front door. When you opened the front door you were shocked at who you were faced with.

"Hi im your new neighbor." He smiled. He was holding a black pug and he was wearing pew news merch. You couldn't belive your eyes and ears. Felix? Moved in? Next door?!

"Y-Your Felix?!" You stuttered excitedly. He chuckled and nervously scratched his neck. "So your a fan then?" His cheeks were a light pink. You nodded. "I wont tell anyone. Where you live, that is... I dont have friends anyways... so its not like I could tell anyone..."

You muttered the last part and looked at your feet. Felix just chuckled. "Well anyways I was going to invite you and some other neighbors over this weekend," he handed you a slip of paper, "This is my number. You can text me if you have any questions." He smiled at you.

"Thank you!" You could feel your face getting warm and your stomach fill with butterflies. "Well I'll see you Saturday then?" He asked. All you could do was nod and watch him wave at you as he walked down the hall and into the door down the hall.

You walked back into your appartment and in a dreamy state, you walked back to your room and laid flat on your bed. Did that really just happen? Was this all real? No. It had to be a dream. It must've been.

You had to be sure it was real. You texted him.

Is this Felix?

F: Yeah. And this is???

Your neighbor. You were just over. Im Y/N btw. So the party is Saturday?

F: Yep. 6:30.

Sounds great! See you then!

It was real. The knock on the door, the talk, the texts. Everything. He really had moved in next door.


It was about 5:00 in the evening. Saturday was finally here. You had been so busy making sure you were completly ready to go over to the party he was hosting for the neighbors. You were wearing your favorite dress and you had just finished your makeup and hair.

As the time finally passed and six thirty rolled around, you walked down the hall from your apartment to his. You weren't sure whether you should knock or if he expected people just to walk in. After standing there for a moment, you took a deep breath and knocked.

The door opened and you were met with Felix's beautiful smile. "Hey. Come in." He held the door open for you and you stepped into his appartment with a smile. You looked around with a smile. Pj was on the couch, Jack(or Sean) was next to him, petting Edgar and two other people you didnt recognize were sitting in chairs.

"Guys this is Y/N, Emily and her friend Katie will be here soon." The boys and the one girl nodded. "Hi." You waved at Sean and Pj with a blush. You couldnt believe they were here. The you took a seat next to Sean and by Felix's empty seat. You werent sure who the othef two were but you were sure you'd find out.


The party ended great. Everyone was either passed out on the couch from drinking or they were still half way awake and extremely drunk.  You honestly couldn't remember much but you could remember bits and pieces before you took another shot of whisky and you couldnt remember anything that you were seeing, saying, or doing.

The next morning however, you woke up and found yourself in someone else's room. You looked over your shoulder and you were met with Felix, who was laying close to you. Neither of you were dressed and you went red. You didnt think you liked him that much.

Yes you liked him because he was handsome and could make you laugh but you didnt think you liked him enough to have sex with him. But what was a real shock was that he thought of you the same way when drunk.

You wondered what he would think of you if he was sober. Only one way to find out.

"F-Felix?" You shook his shoulder. He groaned.

"Felix." You shook him harder and his eyes opened. He smiled.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled. Your doubts were confirmed. He did like you.


After that night the two of you began dating and he ended up proposing to you after you were a year into the relationship and two months pregnant. It was honestly a big miracle for you and you couldn't be happier.

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