✡Dan Avidan✡

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"ARIN! HURRY UP I WANNA GO HOME!" You yelled pounding on the door of the hotel bathroom. Arin was in the shower and stealing all of the hot water while you waited for your turn. You were both flying home from your trip from Japan. "I'll be out in a minute!!!" He called. You heard the water turn off and you sighed in relief. You leaned against the wall across from the bathroom door.

After about a minute or two Arin poked his head out of the bathroom door. "What's the big rush anyways? Were just going home." Arin said walking out with his jeans and t shirt on. You still hadn't told Arin you were dating Dan yet. You and Dan both weren't sure how your brother Arin would react when you finally announced your relationship.

"I know... But don't you miss Suzy?" You looked at him as he took a seat on the couch. "Of course I do. But were both going home on time either way, so I don't understand the rush. If we get to the airport early were just going to be stuck in the airport until our flight is ready to leave." Arin was right. But you just couldn't help it. You missed Dan and you wanted to see him as soon as possible.

"Ugh. You better not have used all the hot water." You said walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you. You sighed and pulled your blonde hair with a brown streak out of the pony tail it was in and began to undress. After your shower you changed into some joggers and your favorite Dream Daddy t shirt. You blow dried your hair and put it in a french braid before exiting the bathroom and walking back over to the beds where your brother sat watching T.V.

"So we'll be at the airport at 8 tonight?" You looked over at Arin. He didn't take his eyes off the T.V. as he spoke. "Yep. The flight is 4 hours back to LA. So we'll get home to around 1: 30 ish." Arin, watching The Simpsons, spoke. You sighed and pulled out your phone. It was only 8 in the morning. You had 12 more hours until you could go home to see Dan. With disappointment you put your phone in your pocket.

"So are we going to do any last minute gift shopping before we leave?" You looked at Arin and back to the T.V. "I mean if you want to sure? But who would you buy gifts for?" Arin asked curiously finally turning his attention away from the T.V. "I'm sure the crew wouldn't mind some cool trinkets to go on there desks. And sense Jack is still in town with Finn we can get them some thing too."

Arin nodded. "That sounds good. And I still haven't gotten anything for Suzy yet so I wouldn't mind looking at some of the shops before we leave." Arin smiled turning off the television. "Great! Let me grab my bag." You ran over to the closet to grab your backpack and Arin walked to the front door with the hotel room keys. You made sure you had your wallet and your phone before leaving the hotel with your brother.

While shopping you picked out an anime body pillow for Matt, A dragon bento box for Ryan, Chopsticks for Ross, a kimono for Brian, a Japanese filter lens for Tucker, a hoodie for Jack, a pair of Pokemon joggers for Finn and some bracelets and watches for the rest of the crew. Now all you needed to do was find something for Dan and Suzy.

"Arin just get her a necklace or something! She'll love it either way!" You laughed. He really couldn't decide what to get for her. "But what if its not the right thing?!" He whined. You sighed. "You could always get her another cat." You laughed. "That's it!" Arin yelled. "I'll get her a lucky cat tea set!" You smiled. "See! What did I tell you!" Arin rolled his eyes with a laugh. Now that Suzy was taken care of you needed to find something for Dan.

As you and Arin continued from shop to shop nothing really stood out to you. You were getting more and more frustrated. "Arin?" He looked up from the album section of the music store. "What do you think I should get for Dan? I'm having trouble figuring out what I should get for him." Arin thought for a moment.

"I mean he'd appreciate anything. He's honestly as hard to get gifts for, as Suzy." Arin spoke. "Well what do you think he'd like more? A music album or..." You trailed off. "How about we go to another shop. I have something in mind." You nodded and followed Arin into another store. The place was filled with all sorts of stuffed animals and dolls.

"OH LOOK!" You excitedly ran over to a giant stuffed Sashimi plushie. "I'm getting this for Dan!" You took it to the counter and payed for it. After the shopping was finished Arin walked with you back to the hotel to pack all of the gifts before you left for the airport later that evening. You and Arin went through security, got your bags checked and finally got to your airport gate where the two of you waited for another 30 minutes. 

You texted Dan while you waited. 

Hey Dan! Were at the airport. Arin and I will be home soon! Love you babe

D: Sounds perfect, beautiful. Have a safe flight baby!

As soon as you and Arin were finally back in LA you took a cab with your things back to your apartment and Arin took a separate cab back to his and Suzy's place.

You carefully unlocked your apartment door and walked inside, setting your stuff by the kitchen counter. You looked around the place to make sure everything what where it was supposed to be. There were cups on the counter that weren't there before, blankets on the couch that were originally put away and Dan's keys were on the coffee table. Was Dan here?

"Dan?" You called. No answer. Strange. You walked to your bedroom and turned on the lights only to find Dan sound asleep on your bed, cuddling up to your favorite Hello Kitty stuffed animal. He was also wearing one of your xl t shirts and a pair of your biggest sweatpants. You smiled to yourself and climbed onto the bed next to him. 

"Dan.~" You brushed his hair out of his face and and kissed his forehead. He smiled as he began to wake up. "Your home." He mumbled happily. You giggled. "Mhm. I brought you stuff back from Japan. What are you doing here?" You asked as he finally opened his eyes.  "I was waiting for you to get back. I wanted to surprise you but I fell asleep." He chuckled. You smiled and snuggled up close to him. 

He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. "I missed you so much." He mumbled. Sleep was written all over his body language. "I missed you too." You smiled. "So now that I'm back should we tell Arin tomorrow before tucker and I help record the power hour?" You smiled. Dan nodded his eyes closed. You could tell he was drifting off to sleep. You smiled wider. "Goodnight Dan." 

"G'night baby..."

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