Chapter 5: The Hobo

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Not edited!
And I want to apologize if you think I was updating then you couldn't find the chapter. I accidentally published it when in fact was meant to save it, I swear ✌

I was planning to update this in a few hours lol, but I afraid I might forget it. Here is chapter five. Enjoy!

It was a hobo, judging by his messy appearance. And he was grinning at Savannah like he had just found something interesting.

The hobo man was wearing torn clothes
His body full of dirt. Even his rotten teeth smelled so badly that Savannah had to held the urge not to cover her nose due to her hand holding the cup of coffe.

He was making weird gestures, like moving his head to right and left repeatedly. His eyes looked crazed as he couldn't seem to stop shifting on his feet. His expression oddly was happy.

Savannah certainly didn't know what was going on right now. And what the hell was that man doing in front of her? Giving her a free show acting like a crazy monkey?

"Uh, let go of me, please," Savannah winced slightly as she tried to back away from him. His clutch on her shoulder didn't loosen. If anything, it started to feel hurt instead.

The man's grin only widened, causing Savannah to start panicking. Is he going to kidnap her and multilate her body then feed it to the dogs now?

Savannah looked around her surrounding, while she desperately tried to get away from the man's strong grip. People were busy walking around in rush, all of them paid no attention to the two.

Suddenly from the corner of her eye, Savannah noticed two people wearing white coat was walking toward them, pointing at the man so openly. They were a man and a woman.

Savannah once again tried to wiggle away from the man's grip with no use. When she moved her attention toward the two people again, they were nearing them already. Narrowing her eyes, Savannah frowned when both of them waved their hands as if telling her something.

The man's grin faltered as he followed where Savannah's attention was directed at. His eyes went wide, frantically looking around as if searching for something.

Suddenly, he tugged on Savannah's hand in urgent manner, almost making her stumbled and dropped the coffe. Fortunately, she still managed to hold it.

The two began running when they saw the hobo was panicking. From far away, Savannah could heard the two people shouting some words she thought was directed at her.

"Hold him! Don't let him running away, please. He is our patient from mental institution!" The man shouted at the horrified Savannah. She froze on the place. She stared at the man in terror is if he was a boom that's going to explode soon.

The man kept tugging on her, finally managed to pull her out of her frozen state as he forced her to run with him. Savannah's mind was jumbled that she couldn't think straight. What the fuck?

Savannah tried to stop him, but running when you are not willing is really painful. Her feet scraped the rough surface of the street as she tried to keep up her pace with the hobo man. Although he had a slender body, he was so damn strong!

Savannah decided she would just pray and went along with the hobo man as she was tired fighting him with no use. At some point, she could already feel her feet getting wet and it started to feel hurt. She was sure her feet was bleeding right now.

The two people that she assumed as the workers at mental institution was running behind them. She hoped they could catch up.

The two meet a corner and hobo man pulled Savannah really fast as they swerved to dodge running into the brick wall. Savannah still couldn't get why the hell this man kidnapped her. Yeah, she knew he wasn't on his right mind.

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