Chapter 1

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What are we really? Am I just assuming things? My friends would always say I am dense. Signals aren't a thing. I need to hear it from the person. Why is he acting like this? Aren't we buddies?

I have never really put a thought into this while we're filming MG. We're buddies. We had no choice but to get along or make the whole filming a pain, not to mention awkward. It was for the best for us to be friends.

But now, I can't shake the feeling that something changed.


Shen Yue's hands are damp despite the cold almost-winter air of Arxan. She's almost there. On the other side of the window is a long series of scenic views, but she's seeing none of it. All she could think about is how is she going to get along with everyone, most specially...Didi. Will they be able to pick up where they left off?


Wang He Di got up earlier than usual. After breakfast, they gathered in the Inn's lobby/common area. Boss' phone rang. He mentioned not liking a warm phone touching his ears, he put it on speaker. A familiar voice, unlike the usual high-pitched voice of a woman, this one is melodic, almost sleepy, like when you just woke up. He would recognise that voice anywhere. Shen Yue. He suddenly felt giddy. He subtly looked at the camera, it was by impulse.

They went to the driveway anticipating their new colleague. The others were talking and teasing Wu Yi-ge. He's not that active in the banter unlike before, right now, his focus is on the road.


Yue can now spot the Inn. It was beautifully placed along the slopes of the mountain connected by wooden planks as stairs. It was a beholding sight. Changing her line of sight, she saw a familiar figure. He towers his companions, and even if he didn't, the air of confidence around him made him stand out. She smiled. Didi.


The red SUV pulled over, the passenger door opened and she emerged. She's wearing her smile as usual but he can notice that she's very shy. She's always been reserved, that's why he felt proud by the fact that she was at ease with him to the point that they bully each other on set. He wonders if nothing has changed. He wants to know, after all these months apart, not contacting each other.

The usual pleasantries took over. The rest of the guys carried her luggages and proceeded to the Inn, the filming crew also made their way. He let them go ahead and approached Yue.


Yue didn't notice that Didi was left behind. When she's about to follow her welcoming crew, she felt a hand on her head, she looked up and saw a familiar smirk.


She smiled.

"Hey yourself"

He smiled. Then vigorously ruffled her hair.

"Hey! Didi!"

He chuckled.

"Let's go, I will show you the Inn. You know we built it ourselves right?" He said proudly.

"More like you helped them mess it  up"

Didi laughed. "Ayoooo, Shen Yue, we just saw each other again and now you're bullying me already? I should have exposed you way back, that you're the real bully."

"No one would believe you Wang He Di."

"Yeah, because you're so small, Strong Strong."

Yue smiled bigger. I guess I have nothing to worry about.



Wang He Di stretched his limbs and removed his Stitch sleeping mask. It dawned on him that Yue is here already. He scrambled to fix himself, he paused on his way to the shower. What the heck is wrong with me?  He looked at himself in the mirror and said "You are Wang He Di! Super Idol Dao Ming Si!"

"Yeah you are" someone said while snickering

He almost jumped when he saw Kido leaning on the doorway.

"Ayooo, you almost scared me to death Ma Si Chao!"

"What the heck are you doing talking to yourself?!" Kido said laughing.

"Nothing, nothing." He proceeded to the bathroom.

"You gotta be quick, everyone's working already. You're late. Boss is looking for you."


He dashed to the bathroom.


Shen Yue found Didi in the kitchen. She's been waiting for him to wake up being the only person she truly knows in the Inn. Good thing, Wu Yi ge and Kido were there showing her the ropes on what to do. They cleaned some of the rooms like how their teacher instructed, and fed the deers.

She approached Didi quietly then tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, where were you?"

Didi didn't look at her and continued chopping the vegetables.

"I woke up late so I had to go straight to the kitchen to cook lunch."

"By yourself?"

No! I was planning to ask you to help me so that we can catch up but it looks like you are already comfortable with their company.

"Uhuh." He answered instead.

"Heeey, you okay? Did Boss scold you for being late?"


"Then why are you sulking?"

"Who's sulking? If you have nothing else to do, help me chop these vegetables while I fix the meat."

"Okay, okay, haha! I heard from Wu Yi-ge and Kido that you're really good in the kitchen."

He smiled.

"But you suck at cleaning." She teased.

He stopped, put the knife down, and faced her.

"Are you going to tease me all day or are you going to help me? Because our guests will starve."

This is it, this is them. She smiled at him, and she noticed his look softened. She looked away, taken aback by the sudden change in his expression. Her heart started to beat faster.

"Okaaay fine. Stop whining Wang He Di. I brought some hot pot sauce. They're your favourite right? Maybe we can add that to our menu." She said not looking up, feeling his intense gaze at her.


Yue didn't seem to notice, but he does. They're back. This is us.

They quietly worked their way in the kitchen. They were so in sync.

He would steal glances at her, mesmerised by her calm.

He likes Yue. Very much. But he never had the guts to tell her. She's so collected. He was drawn by her quiet confidence. She never wanted people's attention, but she commands them on the way she talks, not by authority, but her calmness. She doesn't speak a lot but when she does, you want to listen. That's why he's happy being one of the few people to bring out her goofy side. . Plus the fact that she's so effing beautiful and that she never really knew how beautiful she is.

Will he be able to confess to her?

How long is he going to test the waters?

To be continued...

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