Chapter 6

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When she caught him looked at her, she replaced her pained expression to that of someone who wants to commit murder.

Wang He Di, you idiot.

She has no reason to be angry at him. But she does. It is completely understandable for him to be attracted to the likes of a Cheng Xiao. But it pisses her off and his face looks like he's thinking of something perverted.

It saddened her too.

Didi, you idiot.

Maybe all this time she's just being assuming that there is something in the way he treats her.

Oh well, Shen Yue, better move on from this. She said to herself.

She greeted the newcomer just like any other. They exchanged pleasantries. Aside from being a bombshell, Cheng Xiao is actually a very nice girl.

They all went back to the main house. She and CX talked all the way. She found out that they have a lot in common. While talking, she sneaked a glimpse at Wang He Di, and she raised an eyebrow.

Wang He Di is far behind the group. The guy looks like he's mulling over something, with his eyebrows furrowed, eyes on the pathway, not participating in the banter.

Not very Wang He Di.

What is it now?


Why do I have the worst luck in the world? Have I done something heinous during my previous life?

He couldn't believe how stupid this is.

Shen Yue is obviously pissed off. She just gave him the look! It was a millisecond difference, at first he thought he broke her heart, then she transformed into something else.

Did she think I was having perverted thoughts???

He was so scared! That tiny woman is scary.

He's been looking at Yue's back while she's talking to Cheng Xiao.

He shifted his gaze to the ground and continued mulling over what happened.

This is getting more and more complicated.

"So, what do you think about Cheng Xiao?" Xi Ze suddenly came up to him while walking. He looked at him and saw his friend grinning.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw how you looked at her." Xi Ze teased.

"I was not looking at her!" If Xize thinks this way, it is possible Yue too.


"I thought for a moment there you've forgotten about Yue."

"Stupid. Who would forget that scary and frustrating woman."

"Haha, did she give you the look again? Whoa, it's been a while. Did you miss it?"

"Not at all, I thought I will have a heart attack."

"What happened anyway? I thought you were okay now."

"She must have thought I was having perverted thoughts a while ago."

"When? When looking at Cheng Xiao?"


"CALM THE FUCK DOWN DUMBASS! Then, what was it?"

He thought for a moment. Telling Xi Ze about the real reason he was spacing out is more embarrassing than their misconception.

"Forget it, none of your business."

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