Chapter 4

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"Yo, XiZe" Yue lazily greeted Wu Xi Ze upon entering the kitchen. She grabbed a knife and started chopping the vegetables on the counter.

"What are we making today?" She asked.

"Dunno, I am just here to wash those(pointing at the vegetables). Didi isn't awake yet."

"Yeah, he's always the last one to wake up among the staff. And here you are, I thought you're worse?"

"I don't want to make a bad impression. Boss Wang Ke scares me!" Xi Ze whispered.

Yue giggled. "Haha, he's not that bad. You'll see."

Tao Jie entered the kitchen. "Hey guys, fried rice, bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast. You okay with that?"

"Yes Jie Jie!" They said in unison.

"Xi Ze, thank you for helping out in the kitchen. Didi stayed up late last night to help me with the inventory so I am allowing him to sleep in."

"No worries Jie!" Xi Ze beamed.

"Xi Ze, I will do the fried rice, fry the eggs and bacon. We can do the toast later." Yue said to Xi Ze.

"Okay boss!"

Yue laughed at Xi Ze.

After eating, Didi hasn't appeared yet. While washing the dishes, Yue was approached by Tao Jie.

"Yue, can you bring this to Didi?" Referring to the plate of breakfast. "It is weird that Didi hasn't shown up yet. Perhaps you can also check on him?" Tao Jie said.

"Okay Jie, I'll just finish up."


"Didi?" Yue called out while slightly knocking on the door.

She continued calling out his name but to no avail.

"Didi!" Yue said a little louder.

She feels weird about entering their room again. But Wu Yi and Kido went to the farm market while Xi Ze is being briefed by the boss and Tao Jie about the show so she's the only option to wake him up and bring food to him.

She's getting impatient. She grabbed the doorknob to yank it but it turned without ease.

Note to self to lecture Kido about the dangers of leaving your door unlocked.

She quietly entered the room. There seems to be no sign of Didi. Did he get out? Where is he then?

She scanned the room, her eyes stopped on the bed when she saw something moved. After a few seconds, a familiar head of hair emerged.

"Didi?" She called out again. Still no response.

She walked to the side of his bed and gave him a slight poke.


The stirred. Now his face can be seen surrounded by the thick blanket and his equally thick bedhair.

Seeing him like this, Yue can't help but be mesmerised by his sleeping form. She will never get used to a quiet Didi. Leaning in, she studied his face. His long lashes, red lips ajar, and his subtle and rhythmic breathing. She was about to lean in closer when he coughed. His peaceful face contorted, discomfort evident on his handsome face.

Alarmed, Yue placed her palm on his forehead.

He is burning.

"Didi!" She said, worry in her voice.

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