Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Yue is now at the dining table mulling over what happened this morning...

So, is this how awkward "the morning after" is? Not that they actually did it but they ended up hugging the whole night until both of them fell asleep. Good thing she woke up early...

She remembered feeling the warmth and the steady breathing of the person next to her. She opened her eyes and saw his handsome face two inches away from her. She didn't budge. She placed her palm on his face feeling his temperature.

He's okay now.

She savoured the moment, noting his long eyelashes, the angle of his nose, his thick eyebrows... and his lips... the lips who used to kiss hers. She found herself staring at it longer than usual, and just when she's about to lean in, he opened his eyes.

She bolted right up. Unsure of what just happened.

What the heck are you going to do Yue?!

"Uhm, I'm gonna go and check if the others came back already." She stammered.

Without looking back, she quickly exited the room leaving Didi dumbfounded.

Yue mentally castrated herself for doing that. She ruffled her hair hating herself. She just hopes Didi didn't notice anything because it will be the death of her if he did, knowing Didi, he will most likely bully her endless and it will be the most embarrassing thing ever. But the thing is... before blacking our, was he about to...?


Back at Didi and Kido's room...

Didi was staring blankly after seeing Yue get out. It was like seeing a cat getting caught stealing treats. She almost looked unreal on how fast she jolted out of the room. How on earth can a girl with tiny legs run that fast?

He smiled and recalled what happened...

He woke up, feeling the warmth, and the steady breathing of the person beside him. He lost consciousness after jolting right up due to low blood pressure. He remembered her face, how she blushed when she admitted he makes her uncomfortable, and it made him lose his control because all this time he taught he will never get through her. He was about to kiss her when he felt his head started to ache, and he felt his body shivering uncontrollably, holding on to her like she's his lifeline. And he blacked out.


That was close. But he smiled at the thought. That was SO close. He almost told her the intensity of his feelings for her through that kiss because he knows, once his lips touched hers, he will lose all control, and he is Dao Ming Si all over again.

He savoured the moment looking at her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful. He noted her long eyelashes, the angle of her heart shaped nose that he finds so cute, and her lips... he misses it the most. He leaned closer, not thinking about anything else but that lips, but when his about to touch hers, she stirred, so he closed his eyes pretending to be sleeping still.

He felt her palm on his face, not sure about what to do. She was just resting her hand on his face. The warmth it brought him was nice. He still hasn't opened his eyes and just enjoyed the moment. He felt her studying him. She removed her hand and he felt her move. He thought she's about to get up, so he opened his eyes, only to find her an inch close to her face, her big brown eyes staring at her with shock. She bolted right up and disappeared from his sight in an instant.

Was she about to kiss him? What the actual fuck? That woman is going to drive him insane.

He looked at the cameras, good thing Kido didn't remove the covers when he left yesterday. He doesn't want anyone to embarrass Yue or worse, ruin her career for sleeping with him, literally, for just sleeping with him.

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