A Nasty Surprise

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Charli POV

After Blake left, I lied down and cried for hours. 

Maddox had shown me some pictures of his ex-girlfriend...I forget her name I think it was Jane or Jamie or something...and I knew that the girl in the picture was her. I couldn't believe it. Maddox was cheating on me. 

I had left everything, my family, my life, my school all for this boy...and he cheated on me. 

I was pathetic. 

And then it got even worse. 

I had been having pain in my stomach for a few days, so I finally googled it. As soon as I read the results, my blood ran cold, and I rushed to the nearest Walgreens. I felt even more pathetic standing in the line with wet hair, a tear-blotched face and no makeup, but when I got home, I felt the most pathetic I've ever felt. 

I was pregnant. 

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