The Underworld!!!

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We were standing in front of DOA. There were a lot of people inside. We walked in. I realized that these people were all souls or ghosts. We walked up to this guy behind a desk. He tensed up as we got closer. He looked at us specifically me.

"I sense Hades in you," he said sharply. I backed up a little.

"Uh thanks," I glanced at Percy who was looking at me.

"Or is it a trick? Show me your power!" he demanded. But I knew what to do. I knelt to the ground and concentrated. Then the ground split open right in front of me. A single skeleton crawled out. He stood and looked at me with a bony hand on his forehead like he was saluting me.

"Um... just show yourself to this guy," I ordered. The skeleton turned to the guy. The guy just inspected my skeleton. It stood perfectly still. When the guy finished my skeleton looked back at me.

"Thank you Skelie," that was my new name for him. Then the skeleton gestured near its head like imitating hair. Like a girl. "Oh. Well it's still good. Besides I like it. Thank you," I said. Then she saluted me one more time before sinking into the ground. When that ended I was able to look at the guy's name tag: Charon. When we tried to go into the Underworld Charon didn't let us because we weren't dead. But Percy brought out all the drachmas that he got from Crusty's place. Charon gave in and let us into the elevator. After a few minutes the scene changed. The elevator turned into a boat. Charon's outfit changed into a dark gray robe and his eyes turned into soulless sockets. Just pure night and darkness. He was rowing the boat. When we reached land I saw check out lines. There were three lines with different signs above them. And there was also a faint growling and howling somewhere. When we were continuing on we met Cerberus. Percy tried  distract him with a stick. Like that would work. Instead Annabeth pulled out a Waterland ball that she got. She distracted all of Cerberus' heads while we snuck under Cerberus very quietly. When we went through a metal detector alarms started blaring. After running for who knows how long we were hiding in a trunk of a big tree. And we could hear Cerberus whimpering for his new friend.

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