There's Something I Can't Tell You

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Jisung looked at the girl curled up in his arms, he was too afraid to move. The girl in his arms was still trembling from the events, but he couldn't really understand what the big deal was.
Finally, after some time, she looked up at him, her watery eyes still red and puffy from crying.
"Hey..." He voice stayed calm and low, making sure that she was fine before speaking.
"S-sorry..." She finally mustered. He shook his head in objection.
"For what?" He questioned, placing his hand back upon her head.
Skye's eyes widened at his actions, but she didn't stop him. She could care less now he saw her like this, a mess. A mess that she had become due to her biggest fear. Still though, she was relieved. She was relieved that it was him. Not just anyone, it was /him/. Maybe it was because his arrogance had faded. He wasn't the same person from before, no, he was definitely more sincere in this moment. It didn't seem like it was a forced act, if it was he would have let go a long time ago.
Jisung hummed.
"You don't have to cry. That was just my managers." He gave her an uneasy smile.
He watched as her eyes shot him a sharp glare.
"You're telling me.." Her voice started soft, this made him nervous.
"I wasn't in trouble...?" Her look was serious, Jisung connected the dots fairly quickly.
"Skye I'm-"
"Save it."
With that, she pushed herself off the floor, wiping her eyes. Still, Jisung pursued her.
"Skye I really didn't know." He attempted to take hold of her arm, yet she smacked him away.
"I said save it." Her words now colder than before, he could see the hate that lingered in her eyes.
"Don't be like this" He spat back.
His words caused her to stop in her tracks, she didn't face him.
"I'm sorry." His voice was less intense than it had been, but he still meant it with everything he had.
When she turned to him once more, there were tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
Jisung embraced her, keeping her head in his chest. Her arms fell to her sides, at loss for how to react.
Skye couldn't stop the tears that ran down her cheeks, she also really couldn't blame the boy entirely. He was a stranger. He didn't know her, her past, or her fears, so why was he to blame for this?
It was a case of miscommunication, she knew that. Although that thought rested in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but be frustrated with him. It wasn't his fault, but she wished to blame him. The blame would give her a reason to forgive.How could she forgive a complete stranger for doing nothing he should be sorry for? Her thoughts kept running a mile a minute, she barely took noticed she was still enclosed in the taller boy's arms.
When she finally regained her strength, she looked up at him, their eyes locking almost immediately.
"Who are you anyway?"

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