Time Away

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The days that followed seemed to be chaotic. Jisung never had time to see his girlfriend. His managers suggested they take time away from each other to let the headlines die down.
For Jisung, he felt empty. Part of his heart seemed to be lost.
For Skye, she had been contacted by panicked friends from her hometown. They sent her web links and photos, none of which were positive towards her.
One of the articles particularly stuck out to her: "Idol Han Jisung In Another Dating Scandal".
The article was written not by a news service, but fan blog.
Reading the article made her heart sink, but the comments under the article were like knives adding insult to injury;
****: who does she think she is?
** ***** ***: how dare she seduce our jisunggie!!
***: what a b*tch
** *******: he deserves so much better! Who even is she?
Skye lived most of her life away from media, she knew very well about how nasty people could get.
The media was a terrifying place, and it was somewhere she didn't wish to be known.
She was so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed she was crying. A few tears landed on her hands with tiny splashes.
When Jisung was finally able to escape the grasp of his manager and the reporters, he found himself standing at the door of the small coffee shop.
The door swung open with a jingle as it always did, there were people at almost every table, but it fell silent. The stares from the public made him nervous.
When the familiar female emerged from the back, he could see the panicked expression she had.
"Skye-" he called as she bolted back to where she came from; of course, he followed.
"Why are you here?" She shot. Her words surprised him.
"You're mad at me?" He questioned.
She kept quiet.
"Did you read those articles?"
"Why did you read them?"
Her eyes never met his, no words came from her lips.
"Skye." His voice was stern. It felt like he was talking to a brick wall at this point.
Jisung lifted her chin so he could look at her, but he was met with tears and blotches of red.
"Skye...I-" He started but she pushed away his hands.
He felt his heart crack in his chest.
Why was she being like this?
"If it's because of the articles-" he attempted to pull her into him, but she pushed him away.
"I don't think we can do this." She raised her voice. Jisung's mouth fell open at her sudden statement.
"What are you saying? Those articles are nothing Skye." He pleaded.
"Do you know how it feels to be hated?" She shouted at him.
He took a few steps away from her; those words echoing in his head.
"Hated? Who hates you?"
"Everyone, Han. Everyone."
Jisung couldn't seem to find the right words to comfort her.
"We can get through this-"
"We can't." She snapped.
Tears began to swell in Jisung's own eyes. His heart was pounding so hard he could barely breathe.
"Okay." He managed. "Okay."
Skye watched as he turned his back towards her, heading straight out the door.
At closing time, she sat at the booth they normally shared. Tears blurred her vision.
The pain in her chest couldn't be masked. She was devastated, but what choice did she have?
All night she stayed there, crying until she ran out of tears.
By 4am she finally left, locking the door behind her.
She walked the night streets without a destination in mind. Home wasn't where she wanted to be. She wanted to be with him, but that was impossible after all the things she said. She hated herself for spouting all those lies to his face. They could overcome this. They could be together. They would figure it out. She knew that, but the foreign feeling of everyone constantly watching her was just too much.
Without even noticing, she was crying once again.
After a long time of wandering, she found a bench to rest at. She was exhausted and her eyes stung. As her eyes fell heavy, two men (who were very drunk) approached her.
"Little miss, why are you all alone?"
"Who..?" She was too tired to even see who was talking to her.
"Do you want us to take you home?" The men smirked at each other before attempting to pull her off the bench.
"Don't even think about touching her" a voice came from the darkness of the side streets.
Jisung picked up the smaller female, before shooting the two men a nasty glare.
Back at the dorm, Seungmin had given Jisung his privacy, offering to room with Chan and Hyunjin for the time being. Jisung gave him a quick thanks before looking at the sleeping girl on the bed.
He sat down next to her. He picked up on her flushed cheeks, her bloodshot eyes, and her cold hands.
"Everything is okay now" he whispered.
When she woke up, Skye found herself in an unfamiliar place. She couldn't remember anything of the night before, almost like a hangover, but she hadn't had a single drink.
To her surprise, Jisung was sitting on the floor, his head resting in his arms; he was fast asleep. She wondered how he had found her last night.
She moved carefully, afraid to wake the other. When she finally slipped out of the room, she found the way to what seemed like the kitchen. Skye was greeted by the boy who introduced himself as Chan the first time they had met.
"You're awake?" He handed her a cup of warm water. She nodded.
"What happened last night?" She asked him, hoping to get some answers.
"When Jisung came home last night, he was really messed up. I've never seen him cry." Chan pulled out a chair at the table for her to sit. "He told us he needed some air because he couldn't sleep, so we let him go. When he got back, you were passed out in his arms." He finished.
Skye nodded although she couldn't remember any of that.
"I should go check on him." She said, setting the cup down. Chan gave her a nod as she went back.
In the room, she found Jisung dazed, spinning back and forth on the computer chair. He stood up when he saw her enter.
"You're still here.." he said faintly.
Skye made her way to him, wrapping her arms firmly around his waist.
"I love you"
Jisung stood there in shock, not knowing how to react.
"Skye-" he pulled her tight against him.
"I'm sorry." Her words were slightly muffled from the embrace, but that didn't make him let go. Tears streamed Jisung's face. He really didn't know what he would've done without her.
The two of them sat together on the bed, Jisung rested his head in Skye's lap.
"Can we really get through this? Your fans hate me..." she pouted.
Han shook his head.
"They don't hate you, they're not used to it."
The pout didn't leave her lips though, she couldn't lie: she was worried.
"Let's go out today." Jisung suggested.
"I don't think-"
"Trust me." He cut her off; she nodded.
Their hands together, the two of them made their way into Seoul. Occasionally Jisung spotted someone taking pictures of them, but he paid them no attention.
They went shopping, got something to eat, they even spent time at the riverside together.
To Skye's surprise, no one crowded them or came up to them.
When the sun had set, and their date came to an end, Jisung stood before the younger, not wanting to let go of her hand just yet.
"Go inside, you'll get a cold."
She shook her head.
"I don't want to." Her words shocked him.
"Then I guess you want to come back with me?" He only meant to tease her, but instead she agreed.
"Take these" he handed her some of his clothes. "Go change."
When she came back, Jisung was laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone.
Skye crawled in next to him, taking a peek at his phone.
"Whatcha reading?" She caused him to jump.
"Very funny. Look at this." He handed her his phone.
On the screen was an article:
Out'nd About: Han Jisung's New Girlfriend
A smile was plastered on both their faces as they scrolled, looking at all the pictures that were taken of them.
"I told you to trust me." He gave her a soft expression.
"Uh huh" she rolled over, giving Jisung her back.
For a moment he frowned, but soon had an idea.
He locked his phone and tossed it to the side, throwing his arm over her tiny waist.
"Don't be mad. I missed you."
Here's me trying to make up for months of inactivity I'm sorry for all the tears that came with this chapter I'm ALSO sorry for any typos Bc apparently I never catch them all ISKSKSJS but I hope y'all liked this!
- M ❤️

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