Slowly Changing

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The days that followed became awkward. Skye, who was unable to process the actions of the older, stopped showing up to work. She took a few days to herself so that she could gather her thoughts. Jisung, who had become focused on working, stopped.
Jisung ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a low-toned growl. He didn't know what made him kiss her. His impulses seemed to take control of his mind when he was upset.
With the days that passed, Jisung found it harder and harder to avoid the person he wanted to see the most, but that made him think. How much did she know? Did she believe it all? He let his hand collide with the wooden door of his bedroom. He wanted to tell her it was a misunderstanding, that it was nothing, but part of him didn't even want to face her.
For Skye, none of that mattered. She didn't care about the media. She was too immersed in her thoughts, remembering the way Jisung's lips felt on her own. She couldn't help but wonder why.  Why did he kiss her if he was so upset with her? Was he really upset? The questions made her head pound, she really had no idea what to do.
One particularly cold morning, Skye made her way to work, opening the shop like she normally did, but something in the corner of her eye caused her to stop all she was doing. She watched as Jisung sat down on the ground, no jacket covering his body. He sat by the door without a word.  This /really/ confused the girl.  What the hell was he doing?
Skye opened the door slowly, being careful not to hit the boy with the door.
"Sung?" She questioned, he looked up at the call of his name.
She bent down, eye-level with him.
"It's cold, come inside." She demanded. He followed obediently, still mute, and for a moment, she inspected him.
He finally looked her in the eye, he looked rough. She worried if he hadn't slept since the last time she saw him.
"Do you believe that..?" His question caught her off guard.
"Believe what?"
"Those articles." He avoided all eye contact after that, not wanting to look at her face.
"Sung." She started
"You know the whole reason I didn't know in the first place is because I don't keep up with things like that."
He nodded, following her words.
"If it really mattered, I wouldn't want to see you again."
At first, the words felt like knives in his chest, but he realized what she had meant. She knew. She knew everything, yet believed nothing.
Skye made her way towards the boy who was sitting, pulling his head into her chest. She ran her hands though his hair, cooing to him.
"You wanted to see me?" He spoke up after some time; she nodded.
"Of course I did."
Jisung took hold of Skye's free hand, causing her to notice the scrapes on his knuckles from the door.
"Sung? What's that?" She frowned at him.
"Ah- that..." he trailed.
She disappeared into the back, bringing back a small medical kit, taking his hand in her own. She carefully tended his wounds, he flinched here and there as she patched them up.
"Were you that upset?" She said with a pout. She didn't like the fact that Jisung hurt himself because of her, but he objected.
"It was nothing." He lied through his teeth, only to avoid upsetting the other.
The room became silent after that. Skye played with her hands in her lap, occasionally glancing at the boy who was focused on stirring his drink with a straw.
"I'm sorry..about the other day."
She shook her head in response.
"I understand."
His eyes widened at her response.
"You understand?" He cocked his head.
She nodded. "I understand."
Jisung bit down on his lip, uncertain of what to say next.
"You know I'm talking about the-"
"I know." She cut him off.  "It wasn't a bad thing.." she bit down on the inside of her cheek, her eyes wondering around the room.
The boy knew exactly what she meant, he had to fight off the smile that tugged at his lips.
"I know it didn't mean anything so it's totally oka-"
Her rambling was cut off by the familiar feeling of Jisung's lips against her own.  At first, she hesitated, but quickly adjusted. She knew it was wrong. She couldn't love an /idol/ there was no way it would work. She was an average girl from a small town. He lived in the spotlight. None of it made sense to her, but here they were. Here they were, kissing for what was now the second time.
Skye was the first to pull away, her hands still resting on the sides of his face.  An unfamiliar look appeared on Jisung's features. It wasn't lust, and it wasn't anger.
He leaned in once more but she stopped him.
He raised an eyebrow at her.
"What does this mean..I can't..." she mumbled.
Jisung pecked at her lips again.
"What do you think it means?" He smirked.
Her heart raced at his question. What /did/ it mean?
Jisung lifted the smaller by her waist, taking her to the counter. Her arms rested on his neck, and they were level with one another.
"I like you."
His words made her heart sink. /He/ liked /her/?
He placed more soft kisses to her lips until she began to return them.
For a moment after, they admired each other, the silence between them was comfortable.
"I like you, Han."
lord this was SO BAD I'm SO SORRY. I have no idea where this is going anyone rip-
-M ❤️

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