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The words that fell from her lips made Jisung drop his arms from her sides. A puzzled expression clouded her features. In his head, he liked this. He liked that she had no idea who he was. She could see him for the person he was, instead of just an arrogant idol. Jisung let his bangs hide his eyes, but she managed around it.
"Aren't you gonna tell me your name? You know mine..." She stated, a pout resting on her lips. "Han." He left it at that.
Han was a nickname only his close friends called him, that way even if she did try to look him up, nothing would be found. If there was anything he wanted now, it was for this girl to know him for him.
"Han.." she repeated, her voice was soft and curious.
"It fits you." She gave him a soft smile, which caused a smile to form on his lips also.
For a moment, the two of them fell silent. Neither of them really knew what to do. Skye rubbed the back of her neck as she cleared her throat.
"You should..go..they're looking for you, right?" Her words brought him back to reality.
He nodded in response to her question.
"I'll probably be killed if I don't leave." He joked, but he was also half serious.
With that, he bid the smaller a goodbye, stepping out into the frosty, late-night air.
He took a few steps before turning, watching her through the window. She was alone, but she didn't seem to mind it. She seemed in peace. Jisung didn't even take notice to how hard he had been smiling until he looked away.
As he walked, he started to think. How was it possible for her /not/ to know who he was. Regardless of the reputation he had, she had no idea. It fascinated him. He wanted to be around someone like that. For once in his life he wasn't just another idol, this time he could be himself; an average 19 year old boy.
Lost in his thoughts, he entered his company building, his manager greeting him with a displeased look plastered on his face.
"Why were you there?" Jisung questioned his manager as he approached him.
"Why were you hiding?" The man shot back.
Jisung's eyes narrowed.
"Why's it matter to you." He started.
"You snuck out again." His manager wasn't convinced.
"So what?" He said, attempting to brush passed the other.
The grip on his arm made him turn his head.
"Don't go there anymore." These words caused Jisung to scoff.
"Don't go there? I'll go there whenever I want" He shook off the man's grip.
"Han!" He called, watching the boy enter the elevator.
Sky sighed as she flipped the sign on the front of the door. She placed her headphones in her ears, taking a deep breath, she watched as the foggy gray color appeared when she did so. The stress from the day kept her mind busy, she couldn't help think about the boy from earlier. He was so full of himself, but he had a hidden side to him. It was almost as if that whole side of him was an act to cover up who he wanted to be. An audible laugh slipped from her lips. No one she had ever encountered remained in her thoughts as long as Han did. Maybe it was his arrogance that made her remember his actions. Maybe it was his soft side that she preferred more. The girl focused her attention on her cellphone, picking a song she really liked so she could hum along. She wanted to forget the events of the day...forget him...forget it all.
For days on end Skye waited. She couldn't really explain what...or /who/ she was waiting for, but she was there...waiting. Jisung didn't come by at all, she hadn't even seen him pass the window.
To her, waiting for him seemed like a scene out of some drama; it was pathetic.
On a particularly slow day Skye rested her head in her arms as she sat at the bar. It had gone almost hours without a single costumer that day.
As she was slipping into dreamland, she was awoken by a light pressure on her shoulder. When she lifted her head, she was greeted by a familiar face.
"Han.." She said, brushing herself off.
"It's just me." He laughed in response.
"Why're you here?" Her voice was quiet, she hoped he wouldn't notice.
He pulled out the stool beside her, resting his head on his hand.
"You weren't waiting all this time for me, were you?"

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