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When the morning sun rose, Skye was the first to open her eyes. She noticed their bodies tangled together, Jisung's  arms still holding her small figure captive. She rested her hand upon his puffy cheek, admiring his soft, sleeping features. He was adorable, and she was undeniably in love with him.
When his eyes opened, he was met with another set of dark chocolate-colored orbs.
"Good morning." He said, nuzzling his face into her body.
Skye ran her hands through his hair.
"Morning to you." She giggled as he pulled her closer to him.
For some time, they stayed like that. Enjoying the comfort of the silence between them.
"SUNG!" Skye cried from the bathroom.
He rushed to where her panicked voice came from, but a laugh slipped from his lips when he saw his girlfriend sitting on the counter, her knees pressed hard against her body.
"Ahh." He said as he saw the tiny spider on the floor.
He had trapped it, tossing it out the window back into the grass.
"Come here" He said, picking the smaller up from the sink into his arms.
Skye didn't hesitate to wrap her legs around Jisung's waist.
"Are there always gross spiders?" She questioned in disgust.
He shook his head. "Not normally. Just when you're around." He joked.
She smacked his shoulder in response. "That's not funny." She pouted.
"Where are we going?" Skye questioned the boy as they walked out into the fresh daylight.
"It's a secret." He pressed his finger to his lips.
The two walked, fingers interlocked tightly.
This was only the second time they had gone out in public together, and to be completely honest, Skye was still nervous. She knew there were people taking pictures of them, she knew people were staring at them, she knew all of that. Adjusting to the idol lifestyle was a difficult change for her, but she was willing. If it was for Jisung, she was okay with it.
When they arrived to Jisung's "special spot" her mouth fell agape. It was a small park set up, there was a blanket and snacks scattered about. He knew she didn't want big events or fancy restaurants, but this would do.
"Sung" she started, unable to puzzle her thoughts together.
"Don't just stand there." He pulled her to the blanket.
"When did you plan this?" her brows tweaking in curiosity as she looked down at Jisung, who's head was resting comfortably in her lap.
"Hmm..." he hummed.
"Probably before you almost dumped me?" He shot her a look, but she smacked him.
"I wasn't thinking straight.." her eyes wandered, avoiding his.
"I was playing with you. I know." He reached a hand up to touch her face.
"You're doing your best." Jisung gave her a warm smile, which she returned.
"Is it still uncomfortable?"
Skye shook her head. "It's bearable."
"Bearable?" He laughed at her reply.
"Not everyone dates idols JiJi." Her sarcasm cut his laugh short and caused him to throw his hands up in defeat.
"Okay okay, true. But you got lucky. You have such a wonderful boyfriend."
Skye scoffed at his comment.
"My boyfriend is a narcissist." She rolled her eyes.
Jisung sat up. "Narcissist?"
She stuck her tongue out childishly. "Mhm."
Jisung slowly inched towards the girl, his face inching away from hers.
He towered her, pinning her to the ground.
"You wanna say that again?" He let out a low growl.
Skye didn't give in. If Jisung wanted to play games, she'd play.
She cupped his cheeks, bringing his face to hers.
"And what if I do?" Her lips brushed his with every word, her hot breathe warming his skin.
He finally let his desire take over, crashing their lips together.
Jisung was first to pull away before he really let himself go. He tugged at her lips with his teeth a few more times.
"You really like testing me huh?"
a short lovely chapter :)
I actually think I'll be ending this soon just because I got everything in that I wanted, but I wanna thank everyone for the support on this story and I hope if I write more in the future you guys can also support those!
- M❤️

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