This is Enough

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Skye felt her heart pounding, the sound echoed through her ears. Han kept her vision blocked with his body, the conversation between the men was muffled to her; she could only make out a few words and phrases here and there.
"Why should she know?" She heard, aware that it was the voice of her friend.
He was frustrated, she could sense it from how tense his body was and the way his heart raced.
When the arguing stopped, Skye noticed that she was still embraced by the taller, but she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around his waist. No matter the reason he was upset, he needed comfort. She felt his arms loosen, giving her the chance to take a glance at him; her eyes widened as she did so. His face was blotchy, tears had fallen. Her lips rested, slightly parted, unsure of what to say to him.
"Han..." She started, but he looked away almost immediately.
Skye placed her hand upon his cheek, turning his head so that he could face her.
"Han." Her voice remained soft and comforting.
Tears threatened to fall from his eyes once more, she could tell.
"Look at me." She insisted.
Her thumbs brushed his cheeks, keeping tears from falling some more.
Without a word, he rested his head on the shoulder on the shorter female, letting himself melt into her as she stroked his hair.
"You don't have to talk about it." Skye said, setting down a cup of water in front of the distressed boy. She sat across from him at one of the booths after closing down the shop for the day.
"I'm sorry." He managed to force out, his voice was broken due to the yelling he had been doing.
She shook her head in response.
"If you don't want me to know something, that's really fine." She played with her hands as she spoke, avoiding eye contact.
It was true she didn't mind, but it hurt her to know that he was hiding things. Friends tell each other things, right?
Jisung took hold of her hand, causing her to meet his gaze.
"It's not that I don't want to.." He looked around, finding something else to focus on.
"I don't want things to change.." He finished, his statement fading as it finished.
Skye opened her mouth to speak, but for some reason nothing came out. Change? She wondered what he could've wanted to keep from her. Her expression softened, the once arrogant boy she had first encountered seemed to be an act to hide the sensitive person he really was.
"They won't." She assured him. No matter what the secret was, she didn't mind. If they could be like this, friends like this, that was enough for her.
a/n : HELLO!! this is my first A/N on this story, and I hope you're enjoying it so far!! This part is so short and I apologize :(( I've been super busy and uninspired but I'm doing my best, I normally suck at long stories so please hang tight !! ❤️

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