Ch. 1: how we met

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Casey's P.O.V

Hello my name is Casey. What you're thinking right now is how come she diddn't say her last name? Well truth is I don't really know what it is. Now back to the damn introduction that I have said so many times it's ridiculous. Ok this is basically how I was told to act and talk when I meet any adult.

I would say 'hi my name is Casey what's yours' even though I really don't even care, so in this example I'm talking to a dude that is 30 years old and he wants kids but his wife is unable to produce children. Now if it were up to me I would act like my normal ghetto self and if he don't like me then I really won't give a fuck. Now we will say his name is Jack and his wife's name is Mary, now he would say 'my name is Jack and this is my wife Mary'. Most of the time they would talk to me like I'm 3 or something, not like I'm my rightful age which is 15. If they were to say anything about adopting me they would get all my information.

So that information would consist of dumb ass shit like my age, and name. It's time for my life now. Ok so I was here since I was an infant. I've been through 20 different homes, almost all of them were abusive. People started to adopt me since I turned 5. My adoption home is in the ghetto part of town which is obviously why I haven't found a somewhat decent home to live in. I used to work at McDonalds till they fired me since I was 15. Now that's really stupid because I told them that I was 13 when I started working there two years ago.

Anyways, I have shared a room with my best friend Jordan. We've been best friends since she was brought to this hell hole by some CPS worker at age 2. I don't exactly remember how we became friends, but according to everyone else, we bonded over pop-tarts. That's about it, because I'm honestly too lazy to tell you anything else about my o so lovely life. Note the sarcasm.

Jordan walked in and said, "Tramp, you know Nicki Minaj up in da living room right now and she's askng for you to go down there."

"Bitch, the day that a celebrity comes in and asks for one of us will be the day that I willingly give yo ass $5."

"You got $5 right now." I looked at her.

"Yeah why."

"Walk to the front."

Once I got us there I was surprised to actually see Nicki Minaj standing there. Shit, now I owe Jordan five bucks. Jordan and I made this agreement that if ether of us got adopted then we would try to get the parent to adopt the other so that we would technically become sisters... ya know if it is a good home to live in. Then Mrs. Conley called me up there since she seen me. Bro she is so messy and annoying that sometimes I feel sorry for her husband. Once I was there all the usual questions were asked like is your stuff packed and stuff like that. Like don't nobody here have they shit scattered around their room because don't nobody want they shit stolen. 90% of the time, it's not even kids taking stuff, it's the adults sneaking in our rooms to steal shit.

---hours later---
I guess you people's can now call me CASEY MARAJ.


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