✦ Hogwarts Houses At Night ✦

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Gryffindor: watching "just one more" episode / spamming social media / getting everything ready for the next day / actually trying to sleep / re-thinking conversations / setting 50 alarms to wake up

Ravenclaw: falling down an internet hole / calculating how much sleep you would get if you fell asleep now / orginizing everything for no reason / procrastinating on homework / google-ing everything that pops into their mind / listening to podcasts

Slytherin: facetime-ing friends / watching conspiracy theories / listening to music / thinking up things they want to dream / re-decoring their room / having an existential crisis

Hufflepuff: getting midnight snacks / looking at memes / sending texts for people to wake up to / random self-care / drawing people you saw that day / doodling whatever pops into their head

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