✦ Hybrid Houses Good and Bad Traits ✦

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Gryffinclaw: Innovative, open-minded, and willing to experiment but has no impulse control. Tends to rebel and try things without thinking of the consequences.

Gryffinpuff: Moral, friendly, and group-oriented but trusts people too easily. Tends to form friendships quickly and be widely liked.

Slytherdor: Ambitious, independent and a good leader but overly competitive. tends to be widely respected and admired but not grow close to people very quickly.

Slytherclaw: Clever, capable, and accomplished but can be too sharp-tongued. Tends to achieve whatever they want at any cost and know a lot of secrets.

Slytherpuff: Hardworking, loyal to friends, and goal-oriented but prioritizes loyalty over morality. Tends to form clique-like groups, and to pursue goals without rest.

Ravenpuff: Good friend, honest, and skilled but is directionless/lacks ambition. Tends to study and create things for their own sake and not really make a career of it.

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