✦ Less cheerful Stereotyped Houses ✦

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Give me Gryffindors who don't put on a front for their sadness, but rather, they stay silent. They don't have a cheerful demeanour or believe that they should. Give me pessimistic Gryffindors, ones that don't make a situation brighter or make everyone laugh. Who need someone else to make them laugh.

Give me Ravenclaws who smile and laugh all the time, who are extroverted, and yet when they're alone they overthink. Give me Ravenclaws who are good at hiding their emotions, who are hard to read and unpredictable. Who don't stress over school so much, but do over nearly anything else to avoid it.

Give me Hufflepuffs who ask strangers if it looks like they've been crying (they have) because they don't want their friends to worry, who are introverted and anxious all the time and panicking about school and just people in general. Or give me the exact opposite: stoic Hufflepuffs who show no emotion.

Give me Slytherins who aren't good at hiding their feelings. Who don't know how to deal with emotion, who have no clue why they think something is wrong with them. Give me unconfident Slytherinswho need comfort and lots of good friends.

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