✦ Houses As Types Of Water ✦

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Gryffindor is a waterfall. It thunders and froths and changes the world around it. There is no way to reason with it or move against it once you are too close, you just have to keep going and hope that you will come out safely on the other side. It's a moment of danger in the middle of a quiet day.

Ravenclaw is a river. It carves out its own path, slowly changing the world until no one ever remembers it being another way. When it is calm, it can help you, but when there are rapids of uncontainable thoughts, it can just as easily destroy you. There are depths and shallows and unexpected currents just below the surface.

Hufflepuff is a stream. It's moved to and fro and changed by the world around it. But it still carries on, carefully picking its way through the rocks. Sometimes it is quick and babbling, others it is calm and whispering. It knows that ahead it will join something which is greater than it could ever be on its own.

Slytherin is the ocean. You only see the surface but there are unknown depth and currents you cannot hope to escape. It contains an unexplored world which most are too afraid to even approach. Some parts will never see the light of day while others are easy to see but no piece is less part of the whole because of the knowledge of others.

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