✦ House Couple Pairings As Types Of Love ✦

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idk if anyone still reads this but if you are for some reason I just want to say thank you, and sorry for my absence <3

Gryffindor x Gryffindor (the young at hearts)

High School sweethearts who ruled the school but broke up after graduation much to everyone's surprise. Found each other 10 years later and save each other from whatever boring/toxic person they're with now and fall in love again because they make each other feel young... and they will rub it in everyone's faces. It's okay though because they could have 20 kids, but still, nothing would ever distract them from loving each other.

Ravenclaw x Ravenclaw (the lovebirds)

Finish each other's (sandwiches) sentences type of love. Not so much PDA but everyone knows how much they love each other from the amount of literal L O V E in their eyes. No one understands them quite like each other; SO supportive of each other. From the minute they get together it's obvious that they're going to get married.

Hufflepuff x Hufflepuff (the cuties)

You could just look at them- together or separately, and know that they're a couple. Even the Grinch and Scrooge can't help but smile when they look at them because of the amount of sweetness and happiness they constantly radiate. You just want to write fanfics about them. Everyone envies their love but they're too pure to hate. You just KNOW they're gonna have a big happy family and you'll wish you were their kid.

Slytherin x Slytherin (the royalty)

They own every room they walk into and they're even more intimidating together than separately- if that's even possible. They come from a long line of proud Slytherins and it SHOWS. You're pretty sure they've killed a few people. To most, their relationship seems to be more about status than actual love but deep down they have a great understanding of each other and will be there and do ANYTHING for each other and they know that (and they don't care if others don't because they're all that matters to them).

Gryffindor x Ravenclaw (the protagonists)

Most likely started as a hookup and became friends afterward. They can deny their feelings for each other all they want but in the end, they always end up back together and everyone knows that even if they don't. Somewhat an unexpected couple but they balance each other well, A LOT of inside jokes and a good mix of spontaneity and domesticity. Basically, if they were on a TV show they'd probably be the main couple everyone roots for bc they've just got that good ol' cute couple stamp.

Ravenclaw x Slytherin (the old married couple)

A love probably set up by their mutual friends bc they just KNEW they'd be a match made in heaven. Those same friends probably regret that now bc of how much they flaunt their relationship- they can't be blamed though, they do make quite the power couple. They also definitely judge everyone behind their backs to each other and somehow always share the same opinion. It's like they have telepathic abilities that allow them to constantly talk to each other. Ultimately though, everyone's happy for them bc they quite clearly are a great, loving pair and will make great parents someday.

Slytherin x Gryffindor (the competitors)

Most/all would be shocked when they discover that these two have become a couple and are probably wary of their compatibly. And although they probably do have a somewhat dramatic on-and-off relationship, their commitment to each other is endearing and will make you change any doubt you have that these two make a great pair. Their love is undeniably intense and passionate and they just get each other. They know each other's needs better than themselves and they are always trying to provide for each other- and their competitive nature only heightens this and their playfulness and only makes them love each other more. Oh and they will cut you if you ever try them.

Gryffindor x Hufflepuff (the sweethearts)

A cute pair indeed, it's instantly obvious to everyone around them that they really do care for each other and know just HOW to care for each other too. They're like the same yet opposite to the Ravenclaw x Slytherin couple. They'll combine each other's interests and have the cutest dates: fun and adventurous yet still calm and loving. A good place to find them is probably on top of the tallest hill having a picnic under the golden sun, doing cartwheels one minute then laying in each other's arms the next. Probably always wearing each other's clothes and WILL turn it up and goof around at any event (especially parties, even if they weren't invited but let's be real, they probably were bc everyone loves them). Also A LOT of watching anything slightly scary just so the Gryffindor can protect their Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuff x Ravenclaw (the first love)

First love type of love, even if not literally. Very sweet and careful of each other's feelings and they probably don't get in too many fights but if they do they'll be really upset the whole time and end up giving back into each other, probably in tears. Their gifts for each other are almost always D.I.Y and they both have a love for staying indoors. Their favourite date definitely includes baking- well the Ravenclaw probably spends half an hour sorting all the ingredients only to find out the Hufflepuff has been eating them all. It usually ends in the Hufflepuff being too cute for the Ravenclaw to stay mad at them and then of course, a mini food fight with whatever's left.

Slytherin x Hufflepuff (the OTP)

Oddly, probably the best pairing on this list. A VERY unexpected couple but once you put them together- it just makes sense. They're the definition and living proof of opposites attract bc they admire their differences, they seem like a pairing too good to be true. They started off as best friends and the best part about their love, is that they always will be. They've always been secretly in love with each other, even before they realised it and once they have- they know there will never be anyone else for them. They compliment each other so well and bring out sides of each other no else can. There's nothing they wouldn't do for each other, they probably have defence squads for each other with matching hats, shirts and everything. They're what each other need and they have the love everyone wishes they had. You don't even need to explain why they're perfect together, you just know it.

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