✦ Houses in Relationships ✦

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Gryffindor and Gryffindor

This is a great match. Gryffindors are incredibly compatible with each other as they are both passionate and brave. They will consistently challenge each other to be better and will enjoy embarking on various adventures together. This couple likes to travel, and may be a bit on the romantic side. While this relationship can be full of love and laughter, it's also very possible that these two Gryffindors may develop a bit of a competition within their relationship, constantly trying to one up each other. Double Gryffindor relationships are known for fun and flirting, but many will break up after the "Honeymoon Phase" runs out. If you stick it out, you two will be very happy together.

Ravenclaw and Ravenclaw

Two Ravenclaws make a fine pair. These two will enjoy solving problems together, whether it's problems in their personal lives, or puzzles they can work on together. Ravenclaws in love will make each other very happy due to being of a similar mindset. However, they can sometimes alienate others at parties and other get-togethers. This can happen because when you put two hyper-intelligent people together, they can often become overly-engaged in themselves and make others feel inferior. (This can happen in any pairing, though it is more likely to happen with two Ravenclaws.) Ravenclaws will be able to rely on each other for excellent conversation and will be great at working through any relationship issues they may have. Unfortunately, due to the intellectual nature of the Ravenclaw, romance can sometimes be lacking in this pair.

Hufflepuff and Hufflepuff

Bound to be the cutest couple around, two Hufflepuffs will always be cuddling and giggling. They will support each other through all endeavors and are excellent listeners. While this can be harmonious, there may be times when one Hufflepuff puts their own needs aside for the other, leading to an imbalance in the relationship. Hufflepuffs tend to be quiet about their own needs and unhappiness, and this can be detrimental to the overall health of the relationship. The other danger is that two Hufflepuffs may become settled into a routine and become couch potatoes. But if that's what you want in your relationship, then this is the match for you! As long as both Hufflepuffs are open about what they want out of the relationship, and are honest when they're upset with their partner, these two will be just fine.

Slytherin and Slytherin

On one hand, Slytherins will challenge each other in a way that other houses might not be able to challenge them. Slytherins will understand each other's pliant morality without judgment, and in turn can bond over their strong personalities. On the other hand, conflict can arise frequently because of those strong personalities. Slytherins may develop an intense rivalry within the relationship itself, and this will not end well. This relationship can become toxic and co-dependent as the two fall further into each other and isolate themselves. For this relationship to work, both parties must learn to be flexible and listen to each other. A double Slytherin pairing will usually not last very long, but when it does, these two are a true power couple.

Gryffindor and Slytherin

An unlikely pair, these two opposites may be just what the other needs. The Gryffindor and Slytherin will enjoy each others' differing intensities and be excellent support systems for each other. These two people will often be pursuing vastly different careers, so the competition won't be as much of a factor here as it would be with two Gryffindors or two Slytherins. However, over time, it's highly likely these two will begin to get on each other's nerves. Slytherin will tire of Gryffindor's righteousness and showboating, while Gryffindor will get sick of Slytherin's bending moral code and sarcastic outlook. The relationship will be the most successful if the two parties involved are more independent and have fruitful lives outside themselves so they won't get sick of each other. A Gryffindor and Slytherin relationship requires a lot of work to maintain. It may better serve as a rebound, but if you're willing to put in the work, it may be worth it.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw

Gentle Hufflepuff and intellectual Ravenclaw would be an interesting pair. Out of all the house pairings, this one is probably the least likely to occur. Hufflepuffs are generally warm and yearn for connection, while Ravenclaws can tend to be aloof and independent. But these differences don't mean a prosperous relationship isn't possible. The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw who are drawn to each other were most likely friends first who had that "aha moment" one day. Hufflepuff will find Ravenclaw's intellect and determination endearing, and Ravenclaw will adore Hufflepuff's supportive nature and ability to see the good in everything. These two can definitely go the distance as long as they accept that some of their emotional/mental needs may require fulfillment outside of the relationship.

Gryffindor and Ravenclaw

The Gryffindor and Ravenclaw pair turns heads when they walk in the room. Gryffindor may have a "loud" energy while Ravenclaw has a "quiet" energy, but both of these people have magnetic, engaging personalities. When they're together, this couple is the life of the party. It will be easy to keep the romance alive with captivating conversation and exciting new adventures. These two know how to make intimacy fun, and how to make fun intimate. Gryffindor must be prepared to keep up with Ravenclaw's intellectual pursuits, and Ravenclaw needs to keep up with Gryffindor's adventurous spirit. Both individuals are likely to be fiercely independent, but will also be extremely supportive of each other and encourage the other to grow.

Hufflepuff and Gryffindor

A Gryffindor-Hufflepuff relationship will be a happy and healthy relationship. Hufflepuff will bring cuddles and communication, while Gryffindor will bring the passion and a sense of adventure. These two will balance each other out in very subtle ways that will keep the relationship from becoming boring or predictable. They may share similar interests or hobbies that they can participate in together. The only foreseeable danger is that Hufflepuff may become too needy and unintentionally keep Gryffindor from spreading their wings too much. That, or Gryffindor will struggle to communicate openly with Hufflepuff. As long as these are avoided, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff will have a joyful, unfettered relationship. Romantic dates and binge-watching comedies will be the hallmark of this relationship.

Ravenclaw and Slytherin

The Ravenclaw and Slytherin who find themselves in a relationship will be quite content. These are two people who know how to maintain interesting and intense conversations and debates. They will never grow bored of exchanging ideas and will often seek the other out for advise. Ravenclaw can help Slytherin reach their full potential but still put Slytherin in their place when they get cocky. Slytherin will be able to match Ravenclaw's wit, as well as bring a perspective to the table which Ravenclaw may not have considered otherwise. All in all this is a solid relationship with a sturdy foundation. Unfortunately, both Slytherin and Ravenclaw can become a bit tightly wound, and this is breeding grounds for conflict. If they can remember that keeping things light and fun is good, even necessary at times, this couple will make it. This is the couple who cuddle up on the couch reading books together.

Slytherin and Hufflepuff

Despite what some people think, Slytherin and Hufflepuff can make a great match. Hufflepuff's gentle nature will smooth some of Slytherin's rough edges, and Slytherin's blunt honesty will be refreshing for Hufflepuff. These two people will become ferociously protective of each other, so don't make the mistake of hurting one of them. Slytherin and Hufflepuff may have some similar personality traits, but for the most part, this is a true "opposites attract" scenario. Each person will make up for what the other lacks. The only pitfall is the very things that Slytherin and Hufflepuff love about each other may be the very things that tear them apart. Hufflepuff must accept that Slytherin will never be the goody-two-shoes that Hufflepuff wants them to be, and Slytherin needs to understand that Hufflepuff will never bend the rules the way Slytherin does. As long as these two accept and appreciate each other for who they are, they'll be able to make each other happy for a long time.

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