Here come the challenges

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Me and Mycroft walked back to the apartment Lord death had generously given to us.

"So what do you wana eat?" I asked Mycroft.

"I don't know you pick a place."

"How about the keg to celebrate us winning our first fight."

"Sure I love the keg, but do you mean to tell me that kicking Kid's but was the first fight you've ever had?"

"Well ya." I say a bit embarrassed.

I tell him about me and Justin's partnership as we walked to the keg.

"And you stayed with that idiot, he was dragging you down, look Nic you have an amazing amount of potential, when we resonated I felt it. I could help make you stronger." He said as we reached the restaurant.

"Ok Mycroft you got a deal." I said and we shook hands.

"Also you can call me Myc for short."

"Alright so..."

"Medium rare." We said in unison.

After we ate and got to the apartment we both went to bed.


I wake up at 7 am. It's Saturday but I'm an early riser anyways.

I decide to make me and Myc some breakfast so I put together an omelet made of sausages and eggs. Then I made some bacon and pancakes. It's an odd combination but I cock what I like.


Myc got up at 11.

I had no friends nothing to do so I just sat on the couche reading game of thrones.

He sat down at the table.

I got his breakfast out of the oven and got him some maple syrup.

"Man you can cock and you have a great taste in literature."

When I realized he had basically said he read game of thrones we started getting into a very in-depth conversation over our favorite parts and talked for a few hours until I heard a knock at the door.

I opened the door to see a girl about my age with ash blonde hair put into to pig tails. She had on a plade mini skirt a yellow vest and a black coat.

Behind her was a guy with white hair wearing an orange shirt a black jacket and jeans.

"Nicholas.? She asked me.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I'm Maka Albarn one star syth meister and I'm gonna kick your but."

"Alright, come on Myc. I said as he transformed. Let's kick some ass but let's take it outside."


As I get into a stance and the fighting half of me takes over.

I spin Myc around a bit to intimidated my opponent a bit but she replies by swinging her syth around a bit.

"Alright Myc we're gonna have to use a different strategy. She's going to be slower then us with that big syth, so we have the upper hand in monoveralbility but I can sense her soul and if she hits me it's gonna hurt for a long while.

I make the first move charging at her gaining speed until everything slows down a bit.

Then I stop right behind her and attack with the flat part of Myc but she blocks it.

I slash at her but she keeps up deflecting each blow.

She goes in for an attack and I keep up with her not breaking a sweat.

Then as she try's to hit me with a blow to the head but I cross both halfs of Myc and lock in her partner and through him across the street and point my right blade at her throat.

I snap out of it.

"Sorry Maka I can't really control myself in a fight I held back as much as I could otherwise you might be dead but it was a great fight."

"I've never fought someone that strong since I fought Asura."

"Well me and my weapon were talking so if yoyo don't mind I'd like to continue that conversation."

"Ya I heard you guys talking about books do you mind if I join in."

"Normaly I don't like to talk to people who try to kill me but I think I'll make an exception."

Me and Maka talk about books while Soul and Myc have there own private conversation.

We talk until 6:00 when Maka says they should get going.

"O by the way my friends black*star and his weapon Tsubaki will probably be by tomorrow. He's a bit annoying at first but he's nice, anyways since we all heard about how you kicked kids but so we all want to see how good you are, and so far I can see how you kicked kids but. Well bye."

"By." I said closing the door.

"Well Myc let's get some rest, tomorrow we kick more but."


I woke up at 7 this morning and woke up Myc. We have plans to go to the book story, they're suppose to have a new shipment of books in and we wanted to be one of the first ones to browse.

"Myc wake up."

He doesn't move an inch, but I planed for this.

I go into my room and get out my megaphone.

"MYCROFT GET UP!!!!!!" I screamed through the megaphone as he literally jumped out of bed.

"What the hell man!!"

"Well I had to get you up somehow." I said grining.

"Now come on we're going to be late I've already got breakfast to go."


We're walking back from the book store with a giant bag of books.

Me and Myc were discussing what to read first when we hear a loud Yahoo as a blue haired boy with a chain syth dropped down in front of us.

Myc transformed and I got ready to meet this new opponent.

"I'm black*star and I'm going to defeat you!!!"

He charges at me as my fighting instincts kick in. He try's to stab me but I dodge it quickly and trip him. Then I kicked him straight into a wall.

As I snap back into my nice self black*star's weapon transforms back into a human.

"BLACK*STAR!!" She said running over to his unconscious body.

When I saw her my heart raced.

she's so adora- wait Nic remember last time you swore never to love again and besides she's only kind a sort a really cu- damit.

"Nic you should talk to her." Myc said transforming.

"Why me, I mean like why not you I'm not uncomfortable around girls hahaha." I said uncomfortablly.

"Dude fine I'll save your but." He said rolling his eyes.

"Hey we're sorry about that my meister still has some trouble controlling his instincts, what's your name."

"Tsubaki, and it's ok we're use to it by now what are your names." She said smiling.

Man she seams really nice maybe we can be friends.

"it's Myc and-."

"Nic, hi."

Great now you sound mean interrupting myc great. Wait why do I care errrr.

"Sorry for interrupting Myc."

"Well can we meet this group of people trying to kill us?"

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