Preparation and Date

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"Alright so guys I need to 1 pick a date and 2 I need a cool boost so Soul I need to learn everything from moves to keeping calm."

"Whatever you need bro we're here."

"Alright now I've narrowed it down to a nice boat ride out to an island for a picnic, a nice dinner up on the DWMA roof or just a home cooked dinner."

"I'd go with a home cooked meal it'd be a bit more from the heart." Kid said.

"Ya you're right. Now Soul you're the only one who can teach me how to control my nerves."

"Hmm I'll do it but I want a few ideas out of that book."

"Done now help me!!"


Tsubaki's P.O.V.

"Guys I don't know what to do, I mean I really like Nic and I don't want to screw things up."

Maka, Liz and Patty had come to help me get ready for my first date with Nic.

"Tsubaki you just need to calm down ." Maka said.

"You know what you need, a make over." Liz said.

"Ya we can do your hair and nails and make you all pretty!!" Said Patty.

"Well alright if you think it will help."

Liz pulls out a giant makeup kit while we go through my closet for something nice to wear.

A giant cloud of makeup engulfes us as the girls work on my new look.


Nic's P.O.V.

I went by Tsubaki and Black*star's apartment to pick up Tsubaki for our date.

I open the door and I see Tsubaki in a black mini skirt a red tank top and a small brown leather jacket.

She looked amazing.

Remember what Soul said just talk to her like she's your friend.

"Wow you look great. Well I guess we should go I decided to cook up a meal for us and it's waiting back there."

"Ok it sounds great."

I take her hand as we walk back to Myc and I's apartment.

We get there a few minutes later since the apartment isn't that far from Tsubaki's place.

"So how does it look." I say showing her the meal I prepared before leaving to pick her up.

"Wow it looks great Nic." She said while giving me one of her classic smiles.

We sit down and start talking about our life and funny things that happened earlier on in the day.


After we finished dinner we watched an old horror film and laughed at the special effect's.

Then I walked her back to her place.

"Well tonight was great." She said.

"Ya it was great."

There was a bit of a pause.

Should I kiss her no that seams like too much.

Tsubaki's P.O.V.

Maybe I should kiss him no that's too far, but maybe.

I lean in hoping that he'd follow my lead and then... he sticks out his hand.

"O ok." I say with disappointment.

Then I walk inside.

Nic's P.O.V.

I slapped myself once she went inside.

Damit Nic you blew it now she's gonna think you don't like her!!!

O screw it.

I knock on the door.

Tsubaki opens it up.

"O hi Nic." She said sounding depressed.

"Look Tsubaki I'm sorry for being a wimp and not kissing you it's just it's my first kiss and well I'm really nervous cause I'm gonna do it wrong and then you'll hate me."

"Nic your so sweet I'd never leave you. It's ok if you're nervous just let me lead." She said putting her arms around my neck.


She moved her face closer to mine and she tilted it as our lips met for 10 seconds and then we pulled apart.

"Nic you've got a nose bleed."

"Sorry it's just you know."

"Don't worry. I'll call you in the morning." She said as she walked back inside giving me a wink as she closed the door.

Dame she's hot.

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