The plan's in Action

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Tonight I invited everyone over but before that I gathered Soul and Kid to talk over some things.

"Alright so tonight is the night guys, kid you're gonna talk to Liz and Soul you're gonna talk to Maka."

"Alright but what if they don't like us back." Kid asked.

"Guys you're not going to back out because if you guys do then I'll break down."

"Ok, well we should get ready, why did you decide to have a fancy house party."

"I thought it would be nice to see how nice the girls could dress up and how we could impress then."


Me and the guys had just gotten into our tux's, mine was a regular black pants and blazer with a blue shirt.

The door bell rang and I answered it. I open the door to see Tsubaki in a skinny emerald dress with her hair down.

My god she's gorgeous, just play it cool come on say something.

"Umm Nic you have a nose bleed." She said blushing a bit.

I held my hand up to my nose and felt blood.

damit come on play it cool.

"Well of course I do you look stunning." I could see her blushing again.

"So where are the others."

"They're running a bit late but I'm hear."

damit this is not how I wanted this to go.

"Well Soul and Kid are here so join the party."



Everyone had shown up and was having a really nice time.

I notice Soul dragging Maka out towards the hallway.

Good luck man we're all gonna need it.

Soul's P.O.V.

I took Maka into the hallway.

well here we go.

"Maka look, I've been doing some thinking and I think... that I like you." I mumbled the last part.

"What was that last part Soul." She said while giving me that beautiful smile of hers.

I took her hands." Maka, I like you you know like you like you."

She was shocked I could tell. I was about to walk away in shame and depression when... she kissed me.

"Soul you have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that."

"Well we should probably get back."

"Ya." she says grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards our friends.

Kid's P.O.V.

I notice that Soul and Maka have come back. Soul winked at me giving me two signals 1 it worked 2 you're up.

"Hey Liz can I talk to you for a second."

"Sure Kid."

We go back to the hallway were Soul and Maka went.

"Liz we need to talk."

"Sure Kid what about?"

"Well. I took her hands. Liz ever since we met I've had feelings for you and I've been so scared to tell you, but now you know."

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