Da guys and gals

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I ran off the subway to where the guys wanted to meet me.

Luckily they decided to wait for me.

"Hey where you been we've been waiting for 30 minutes." Kid asked me as I skidded to a halt in front of the three of them

"I was just.... sleeping in."

"Nic we know you and you NEVER sleep in."

"Well...... fine Soul tell them." I said giving up.

"He and Tsubaki, you know." he said making finger motions.

Black*star and kid just stared at me eyes wide as a bus.

"Nic I know you love her but... really?" Kid said.

"I didn't even suggest it she just brought it up in kind of a seductive way... now that I remember it that's not like her and she was awkward after that."

"One of the girls could have given her advice like I gave you."

Black*star just snapping out of his shock.

He came right up to me.


I wiped out my knife and in seconds it was at his throat.

"1I love her to much to hurt her 2 if you love her then we're going to have a big problem." I said with a bunch of venom.

"Whoa dude I do not like her like that. You've got nothing to worry about."

I lower my knife.

"I'm sorry Black*star it's just I'm a little on edge since you know how Tsubaki looks and what guys are like. I just don't want to lose her."

"We all understand Nic I know how you feel. You think Liz will be a walk in the park."

"Ya speaking of which how are you two."

"We need something to spark up our relationship."

"Knowing Liz just spend more time with her focus on her more and occasionally do something romantic."

"Thank you Nic."

"No problem. How about you Soul."

"Well boys we did it."

"So that's why you were so mad at me last night."

"Ya geez you guys sure know how to be third wheels."



Tsubaki's P.O.V.

I approached the girls ready for the never ending mound of questions that would soon be asked.

"Sooooooo how'd it go." Liz says jumping up and down like a hyper child.


"Dear god what went wrong." she asked sighing.

"At first it was a rough start with Nic being shy and innocent-"

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWW." They all screamed.

"But with a small push-"

"Ok ho on there you're saying that Nicholas Sabatini. The shyest guy in the academy did it with you." Maka said sounding surprised.

"Yes." I said flashing them a smile.

"So how was it." Liz asked.

"Well um you can understand if I'm uncomfortable with sharing the details." I said sweet dropping.

"Come on tell us!" Patty said barging into the conversation.



What will await our hero's next peril romance doom madness stay tooned to find out

p.s. it'll probably be soon.

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