After the fight

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After I snapped back I saw Medusa's skeleton on the ground and as Myc transformed...

"HOLLY SHIT!!!" I said jumping into his arms.

He dropped me instantly.

"Nic you beat Medusa." Tsubaki said with a bit of shock in her voice.

"O my god I'm so so so so sorry I know you hate this side of me and I've been trying not to bring it-"

"Nic you defeated Medusa and her thugs just for me and a little bit for crona I guess you two met but the point is no guy would ever do that but you." She got untied by kid and she walked over to me.

"Nic you might have a lot of anger issues but it's something I can deal with because your anger is directed towards people like Medusa."

We kissed long with passion for a little while.

"Well we should get back I've got a great date planed for us."

"Ya it sounds like fun." Tsubaki said smiling.


Me and Tsubaki were walking down town after a nice restaurant until we bumped into the docks(I realize that death city is in a dessert but please over look it) were there was an empty gondola.

Yes just as planed.

I take her out on the gondola and she loved it.

We stopped to make out for a bit but then we headed back.


Now outside her apartment we were talking for a bit before I was going to leave.

"So you guys figured it out? Why didn't you tell us until now."

"The others wanted to have some fun."

"I'll let them have it for a bit longer."

We both start laughing.

"Well I guess you're gonna go inside now."

"Actually we've been dating for a while and well... you wana come in." She said nervously.

"Um ya sure."

We walk inside her apartment.

"So um, can I use your bathroom just for a bit."

"sure down the hall and to your left."

So I went to the bathroom locked the door and pulled out my phone.

"Nic this better be important." Soul said sounding irritated.

"Sorry Soul but this is important. I'm in Tsubaki's apartment and I've got no idea what to do I'm sweating and starting to freak out here a bit."

"Ok listen Nic just calm down. She invited you up there to get to another level in your relationship it's going to be fine just let her lead you through it."

"Alright Soul if you say so."

I hang up and walk back into the living room to see Tsubaki leaning on the door to her bedroom with just her head peaking out.

"Well come on in." She said seductively.

"O-o-ok." I could feel the blood running down my nose.

"Nic it's ok here come on." She walked out of her room still in her dress from tonight.

"I'm just nervous, sorry."

We both sat down on the couch.

"Nic it's ok I've had no experience with this myself this is just what Liz said to do."

"Well from what I've seen we make out here for a bit until we're ready to move it to your room."


She starts closing in on my lips but I put a finger on them.

"No tonight I come to you."


I move closer to her then we start to kiss and as we do I start to relax. We fall back onto the couch with her on top of me as we keep kissing.

I wanted to savor this moment forever but I knew I had to make s move.

I pull away from her sweat lips.

"Tsubaki. I think I'm ready."

"Well then let's go." She said as she stood up took my hand and lead me to her room and then she locked the door.

Black*star's P.O.V.

I was coming home from the basketball court going up to the apartment.

I went inside and I saw Tsubaki's door was closed and locked.

Wait Tsubaki's dating Nic so... no way, Nic would be way to nervous to do that.

But I look to see one of his jackets on the floor.

Instantly I call Soul, I know he's on a date with Maka but I needed to ask him something.

"Dear god why does everyone have to bug me now. SO UNCOOL."

"Sorry buddy but wait who else called you?"

"Nic did he was asking for more advice on him and Tsubaki."

"Well it worked cause I'm home right now and Tsubaki's door's closed and locked. I never thought it would happen but here I am."

Soul's P.O.V.


I was sitting on the side of my bed.

"Soul is something wrong." Maka said beside me.

"You'll never believe what Tsubaki and Nic are doing."

"...No way, how did Nic even find the confidence to do that?!"

"Well I did talk to him anyways Black*star saw it with his own eyes."

"Well... good for him, now can we continue our date."


**********Nic's P.O.V.***********

I woke up next morning to see me and Tsubaki cuddling... naked.

So I really... wow.

Tsubaki then wakes up.

"Tsubaki? "

"Yes Nic"she says wrapping her arms around me.

"Did we really do it?"

"Yes why do you ask."

I then remembered last night and the events.

"I never thought I'd ever be in bed with a girl."

"I know how you feel."

I looked at the clock and seeing that it was 9 in the morning I remembered that I was gonna hang with the guys today.

"O my god I'm sorry baby but I've really got to go. I'm hanging out with the guys down town in 20 minutes." I say as I leap out of the bed and rush to put my clothes on.

"It's ok, have fun." She said flashing me a smile before I ran out the door hoping to catch up with the guys.

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