Meet and great

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We walked with Tsubaki and black*start to their apartment where they were having a get together.

I walked beside Tsubaki while Myc and black*star were arguing about something but I wasn't paying attention.

There was an awkward silence between us but I didn't know what to say.

She seams nice, she is pretty. Maybe I should say something.

"So nice weather we're having."

*mental slap* really Nic nice weather dear god!!!

"Ya it's pretty nice I guess." She said.

Man well atleast she replied. Usually I can barley talk to girls but for some reason she's different.

We keep walking in silence.


"Why are you two walking alone you should be walking with me!!!"black*star shouted coming between us.

I never thought I'd even think this but thank god for black*star.

We arrive at the apartment and thank god not a moment to soon.

We get inside and me and Myc start talking to everyone.


After a whole bunch of chicken and cake that Tsubaki made, it was delicious.

We were about to leave but I just had one question.

"Hey everyone before me and Myc take off I've got one question for Maka and black*star. Why did you both try to kill me."

"Well after you beat kid we all wanted to see how powerful you are because Nic you might not know this but we're the most powerful of the one star meisters." Maka answered.

"What really?!"

"Ya I'm the miester that destroyed the kishen a few months back."

"Wait so I beat the team the basically destroyed a god."

"Welcome to the team." Kid said.

"Well we have to go bye everyone."

"By." They all said.

As we walked downstairs and the doors Myc was the first one to speak.

"So you like Tsubaki don't you." He casually said to me."

"What no I mean she's a good friend and nice but I don't like her I'm like o god." I could feel my cheaks getting reader by the minute.

"Nic you are the worse liar especially since you had that incident back at the party."

*********flash back*************

Black*star had just triped over the coffee table and once seeing he was alright we all burst out laughing.

I decided to help Tsubaki in the kitchen making sure black*star didn't have anything wrong with him.

"You know I'd hate it if anything happened to you... guys, you guys." Tough save.

Tsubaki just smiled.

"Just kiss you two!" Black*star said jumping in on our conversation.

"What no!!, I mean she's nice and beautiful but I like her as a friend JUST A FRIEND I mean she's really nice and sweet but we're just friends!!" I could feel my cheeks blushing as I turned away trying to hide it.

"W-well y-ya he's nice but I don't like him black*star."

For some reason I felt my heart sink. O come on Nic you really think someone like her is gonna go out with you.

Tsubaki's P.O.V

I told him I didn't like him but I do he seams like a really nice person but why would he like me I'm a Camilia blossom I'm suppose to be lonely. But when I'm near him my heart just races.

***normal time Nic's P.O.V.*******

"How do you even know about that?"

"I've got good ears."

"look I'm having the guys over tomorrow if you wana pick my brain do it then."

"Alright... but you like her."

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