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Pink Graded Dress


Somehow, I expected to be in an arranged marraige. But I did not expect my bride to be a person who came from just a rich family from the kingdom towns.

The wedding was due two days from now and I still don't know anything about Ms. Bisognin.

People say the royal life is the best sort of life to be given with, but I can assure you this statement is false. I think people who are wise would know that.

I sigh as I lay on my bed at 11:58 PM midnight, its hard believe that the King and Queen would choose a girl from town, I dont even remember any connection from them to the royal family. It's... very unusual and straight out of the blue. But I know my parents. If they chose her, there must be a reason why.

At this point my eyelids start to get heavy and slowly shut. My brain filled with so many questions that it made me tired and fell right back to sleep for the night.

By the morning, I was awoken by the brightness of the sun, peeking through my window curtains. I turned my head to the clock on my wall.


It was very late. But for some reason my butler, Brad, didn't knock on the door and wake me up, trying to remind me of my usual duties like: preparing to be the next king of the kingdom or something like that. Maybe because wedding is approaching and I don't really need to prepare for any of it since the event seemed to be more important. I mean.. this is a bond that will make the kingdom stronger and more powerful.

I thought I was free for the day until a loud knock on the door made me jump. "Come in!" I answered irritatedly. "Sorry to disturb you My Prince." My butler apologized, then started to inform me: "The king insisted you to prepare on how to be proper gentleman to the upcoming queen and how to rule wisely with her." Brad finished.

I sighed heavily. Does father really think of me like this? I thought to myself as I frown on my bedsheets. Unwise?

"That's why Ms. Marzia Bisognin is here." Brad added. Feeling my eyelids widen,  and my body freeze. I looked at my butler and stared at him for probably ten seconds. "Sh-she's here-e?" I asked stumbling inbetween my words.

Brad stared at me trying not to laugh. But he bursts out, immediately shutting the door behind him. "Ha!! I'm sorry Felix, but you looked so scared!" He continued to mock and laugh. I looked at the laughing bearded guy feeling so annoyed. This guy may be my butler but he was also a very good friend of mine. The only time he really does his job properly is when my father is around.

"Ha.. very funny Brad." I said emphasizing on his name. I got out of the sheets finally, and grabbed my towel. While Brad wiped of his tears of joy. I looked in the mirror afterwards prepared the clothes I've decided to wear. "Alright, alright enough laughing. Get out of my room. Now. Brad." I demanded with him obeying right after while still giving me a mocking smile.

Pshh what an annoying dude.

On the shower is where everyone says that you think the most. And I couldnt agree more. The wedding... in less than forty-eight hours. I'll be exchanging vows, wearing rings and kissing somebody I barely even know.

I lift my face up to the shower spraying warm water to my body, and sighed.  Who.... is... she..?

By the time I finished it was 10:27.
I put on the usual red and black uniform and wore my crown.

I walked down the halls of the castle, heading towards the throne room to meet my father. While walking, I stopped and notice the garden outside through the windows. Looking down, I saw white flowers and ribbons everywhere. "The wedding is the day after tomorrow, mother.. you're too excited." I whispered, feeling the cold glass on my palm.

"I know I am" a familiar voice said behind me. "Mother.."
She smiles. "Aren't you?" She asks me with my hand still resting on the huge window. "If I am honest.." I started looking at my shoes. "No.."

I looked up exepecting a frown. But my mother smiled. "I understand Felix. That is why your father wanted to meet you." She mentions as my hand fell back from it's position. I forced a smile before quickly heading towards the throne room.

Getting there didn't take long. Even of how big this place is. A prince knows his ways.

I open the door revealing the room. Pillars stood equally from each side, flags hanging from them, chandeliers hung at the middle of the ceiling, windows let the sunlight through inbetween the pillars. Guards stood beside each, and my father sat on the one and only throne at the end of the room.

When I arrived I expected only my father, the guards and myself to be in here. But I was wrong. There were three people infront of me and the throne. Two seemed to be on their fifty or sixties. But one turned to me with beautiful brown eyes, wavy brunette hair, and a simple pink graded dress that flowed around her like she's a princess.... the kind I have never seen before.

Who is this... is she royalty? Is she from another kingdom? And most of all.. why is she, along with two aged people are here.

So many questions but my focus was on her and only her, as her eyes looked back at me like a gaze from a goddess.

"Ah, Felix. Perfect timing." My father finally spoke as he stood from his throne, slowly descending from the steps. "I want you to meet, the Bisognin family-"


"Along with your bride to be.." he finished.

I could not believe my eyes. I was so sure this beautiful woman is someone of royalty or atleast somebody magical from a far away kingdom. But no.. I was wrong, very wrong. She was nothing but a towns girl. Known for being a daughter of the rich.

The weird feeling I had before turned into disappointment.

"She.. I thought-" I said but quickly stopped.
I thought she wasn't here.. I...
Brad. You---!!
I tried to stop myself from cursing out loud and calmed myself.

I gave a warm smile to the three people standing infront of me. "Hello. I am Prince Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg."

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